Oh the Irony!

by Hadit 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hadit

    My father has been disfellowshipped for a few years. 12 to be exact. The way that the brothers treated him and the lack of love that they showed made me confront them and stand up for my father. Their lack of love also helped to jar me awake. Three months ago when I discovered the wonderful news that I'd been in a cult for the last 30 years and dared to show him ONE scripture - about the mediator and ask ONE question - where does it say that he is mediator for the 144,000? This has transpired (one of the many crazy things):

    He - disfellowshipped as he was - went to the elders about me and how concerned he was about MY spirituality. Raising the alarm of the elders. Then he started attending ALL the meetings. Then he informed my mom and I that the demons had visited him in the night and tossed him around in his bed FORBIDDING him to go the the meetings. Convincing him all the more so that this was the truth. And I'm the one who is crazy?? He - then started shunning ME - did I mention he was disfellowshipped? Did I mention that I NEVER shunned him even though he was disfellowshipped?

    The elders have informed him that he has been forgiven (how nice of them) and will be reinstated. I guess he got brownie points for handing over an evil and Satanic apostate.

    I do believe my brain is melting. Anyone else see a hint of irony or is it just me cuz I'm possessed?

  • tec

    Hadit, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say to help, but you're definitely not crazy! I'd be pounding my head on the table too. I would remind your father that you did not ever once shun him for being disfellowshipped.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Demons don't exist. If he had demons thrashing him around, he needs therapy AND medication.

  • mentallyfree31

    Wow. That is unbelievable.

    Every day, I hate this cult a little more.

  • yknot

    I am sorry......

    That really sucks....

    ..... the more I am mentally out the more I discern just how obnoxious our demon stories appear to be.....

    Why not focus on the up-in-coming changes ......since most dubs don't study much anymore beyond the day before a meeting ....

    Curious what was he DFd for originally?

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Hadit - That is absolutely hilarious....... I feel your frustration.

    Yes they are completely off their rockers. My family is in and I tell you when you're out and the family's still in you really see the monkey show for what it is.

  • leavingwt

    Never underestimate the effects of mind control. Unreal.

  • transhuman68

    That brings back memories of my parents. Horrible times. The WTS encourage doublethink so the R&F never see how false the whole organization is.

  • beksbks

    Hadit, remember one thing, it's not you, it's them. I'm serious.


    Your dad is Nuts.....Have a Beer..

    ................ ...OUTLAW

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