I guess I am cult leader now!

by Anti-Christ 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hadit

    That’s awful! The horrifying gossiping that went on the congregations is one of the many reasons I started waking up to what this organization is about. The slander has ruined many innocent people’s lives. It’s disgusting.

    They basically deem anyone who has questions or a different view on what the FD&S say as an offshoot of truth – a cult. When they hear a completely different view point on things due to the mind control they are under they experience cognitive dissonance and they have to explain away these differing views by some outlandish crazy reasoning – because you CANNOT possible have they truth – they already have it.

    It would be hilarious if you and went in a white robe and sat in the front - it would be a youtube hit. Imagine the local needs talks then!

    Take care.

  • truthseeker

    And there lies the problem AntiChrist - the elders and pretty much everyone else DON'T CARE

    All the people we used to hang out with have shunned us and we are only inactive!!!

  • Anti-Christ

    Yup, the funny thing is that lately some old Jdub friends of mine are becoming inactive and are starting to ask me questions, it's from one of them that I heard about the rumors, I guess if I start to help a few out then the rumors are going to amplify, funny. And yea me putting on a white robe is something I would like to do and yes I did thought of filming it for you tube it would hilarious.

  • wobble

    I think this is a common knee jerk reaction, to brand someone in the only way they can if you have done nothing they can DF you for.

    It has the same effect, people avoid you as if you are Satan incarnate, and you have no chance to sow any seeds, which is what the elders are afraid of.

    I had exactly the same rumours started about me, that I had started my own religion, maybe I should, as Cantleave said, it is damned lucrative !

    I can imagine Rutherford's thought just after he said , in that W.C Fields voice of his, "Religion is a snare and a racket" he thought to himself "I should know, I just started one"

    The evil gossip is a pain in the ass though, you cannot counter it easily, in my case I am certain it was started by Elders, they have to have something to say that points the finger at you, rather than the falsehoods of the WT, when someone asks "Why did Bro. and Sis. Wobble leave?"

    Lying bastards, lying bastards working for free for a religion which is founded on lies and tells lies all the time.


  • chickpea

    don't let the @$$ hats get you down!
    if there is nothing real going on for
    which to condemn you, they will do
    what the GB always does....
    make something up and repeat it
    until it sounds true

    by the way, are contributions to
    your cult tax deductible?

    my rumor is that i "became" a lesbian
    and left my husband to run off with
    some woman

    the source of that nonsense:
    a car group stopped by to
    "see how we were doing"
    and there WAS a young woman
    with us whom we were sheltering
    an abusive situation but we weren't
    sharing that info with a bunch of

  • freeflyingfaerie

    slanderous gossip in general seems to be a sort-of bonding experience for small-minded people, i think they are trying to feel more conviction about themselves and are just trying to convince themselves that if the gossipee is a freak (in a bad way), then the gossiper is in the right.

    any honest and intelligent person will base their opinions of others on cold hard facts.

    The white robe thing sounds fun! i endorse it!

  • Anti-Christ
    slanderous gossip in general seems to be a sort-of bonding experience for small-minded people, i think they are trying to feel more conviction about themselves and are just trying to convince themselves that if the gossipee is a freak (in a bad way), then the gossiper is in the right.

    ...makes sense.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    slanderous gossip in general seems to be a sort-of bonding experience for small-minded people

    This is a slight slant on Eleanor Roosevelt's famous quote, but great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about things & events and small minds talk about people.

    Think About It

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