Let's have the book study at your house.

by transhuman68 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • transhuman68

    My sister moved to a affluent suburb in a capital city less than five years ago; and rented a small detatched unit and got a full-time job. I visited her a couple of years ago, and was surprised to find the Tuesday night meeting was held there every week. At the time I thought it was an 'honour' bestowed upon her for all her years as a regular pioneer: but later I started wondering why, in a suburb with so many big prestige houses and families, would she be chosen to host the book study? A single sister in a rented unit? I'm only guessing here, but I think...

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    You think the affluent JWs in the area don’t want their nice homes sullied by constant visitors?

  • blondie

    Edited after careful reading of post...many people with nice homes have been burned by visiting jws who abuse the furnishings, abuse their privileges as guests, even stealing from the owners, doing permanent damage to the houses.

  • WTWizard

    Those witlesses would sure not like holding the book study with me. Those little piglets love to destroy things, dirty things, and even steal things that do not belong to them. Some of them sneak items like pens, money, and other small items into their pockets. And, what happens if some big fat tub of lard (more than 500 pounds) comes waddling in and sits in a chair with a capacity of only 250 or 300 pounds, and busts it? Who is liable? And supposing the person got fat in the first place because of all those hours sitting in a car eating Big Macs and Whoppers, while pio-sneering?

    Not to mention, many of them stay late. The book study ended at 8:30 PM (when I read, I have tried to get it ended by 8:15 or 8:20, only to have the conductor drag it on). Then, most of the witlesses straggle. I have seen them as late as 9 PM, and a few are even later than that regularly. If the householder has children that need to sleep for school the next day, this habit of keeping them up very late is very rude. And, they need to run up a big light bill because they need 18 billion lights on during the study--and, since any money donated specifically to pay such bill would end up in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund instead, they don't get reimbursed for that.

    So, if they ever held it in my place, I would make it as miserable for them as possible. First, the only lights I would have on would be the Christmas lights. I would have the TV on, playing a DVD of a Christmas special, during the study along with Christmas music going on the stereo. DURING the study. I would also plant a Ouija board (or several Ouija boards) in the room. A squeaky hinge on the bathroom door, along with a vivid image of a ghost or witch, would make them think the demons have settled into the place. I would simply inform them that I am not half as worried about demons as I am about those piglets (and big pigs) coming in, messing up the place, keeping me up late, hounding me about some trivial matters, and expecting me to foot the bill.

  • dgp


  • ziddina

    I'd love to have them over to my house for the book study...

    I'd hold it in my basement belly-dancing studio, complete with red-draped altar with athamé and chalice, drums and cauldron. It's a Neo-Polytheist altar beneath a lovely 24" by 16" statue of kneeling Isis with wings outstretched....

    winged Isis

    (not my statue but you get the idea...)

    If any children misbehave, I have chains, and several swords with which to threaten the little zombies... smiley sword fighter

    Zid smiley angel devil

  • blondie

    In fact dgp, towards the end of the home book study groups, it was very hard to find a) someone who would volunteer their home or b) someone whose home met the minimum cleanliness standards or accessibility or parking space requirements.

  • lepermessiah

    a) someone who would volunteer their home

    That is a HUGE problem......most people cant be bothered or dont want the hassle!

    In my previous 3 congregations, they did not have enough homes to accomodate all of the congregation members, so they had 2-3 groups meet at the hall, or in one congregation had groups as large as 30 people!

  • palmtree67


    It's true, some people's houses were filthy.

    We had the study in our house for years and even had one of the little buggers.....er.....brothers...... steal out of my wallet.

  • awildflower

    Well I always thought it would be a "privilege" to have the book study in my home (puke) and asked for it several times or "volunteered" my home several times no matter where we were living at the time. But guess what: I'm the sister with the unbelieving mate who's in the military. They always made me feel like sh&* because of that.

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