Exactly How Did (Jehovah) God Scramble the Languages

by Kum Vulcan 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Kum Vulcan
    Kum Vulcan

    We all know the account in Gen 10: 1-10, where Jehovah scrambles the languages of the people building the tower so they can't communicate with each other anymore.

    And exactly how was this accomplished?

    On the physiological level, speech and language is "coded" by physical connection between neurons in our brains. There is much more to be explored by science on this and it surely is well beyond my knowledge on the subject, but nevertheless we can all agree that learning a language, be it a native tongue or a second, third, etc language later in life requires time and effort for those neuron connections to form.

    Rewind back to said Gen account. In an instant, millions (billions?) new, different and unique physical neuron connections were created, while at the same time millions (billions?) associated with the language already in use were severed?!?! That's BEFORE we take into account related implications of deleting other billions of connections associated with memories about accounts involving experiences, conversations, emotions all in that first native language...the resulting damage may be less if we put our brain into a food processor

    I am fluent in 3 languages (English being my second) and let me tell you - YOU NEVER FORGET YOUR MOTHER'S TONGUE!! I don't care if you are in a coma, half-dead, almost dead, fried on LSD meth or whatever, the first spoken language stays with you till death!

    OK, we also know about the omnipotence of (Jehovah) God, maybe that's a plausible explanation, although the Almighty used his powers to punish people for not worshipping Him properly...but this is another topic.

    Do you have an opinion/belief on how exactly did that giant/instant/massive language scramble happen?


  • PSacramento

    I once kicked a guy in the groin so hard that all he could do was mumble incoherently, maybe God had his angels roshambo everyone.

  • Kum Vulcan
    Kum Vulcan

    Leaves girls out, PSacramento...The switch was not gender specific :-)

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It’s just a story to explain why we have so many languages in the world.

  • JWoods

    I always wondered why God permitted the Egyptian Pyramids to get built, if this tower of Babylon was so terrible. People, lets call it like it is: This is a myth.

  • mindmelda

    Babelfish? LOL

    I know, to create completely new languages all at once would definitely require some serious brain rewiring for thousands of people all at once! The "program" for language is so genetically based that they can find certain learning disabilities that affect speech just by examining and small group of genes.

    I think the "confusion of languages" story is another allegory. It's well known by linguists that the Indo European base language developed and spread through the Bronze Age like wildfire. One can almost trace the spread of those people by the languages and cultures they assimulated by studying the changes and branches in that language group.

    It's thought that because these people first developed a few very crucial factors in advanced warfare, the taming of the horse, and the wheel, plus the smelting of metals for weapons, they basically assimilated a lot of more peaceful agricultural cultures in their advance.

    We know that because the words for "wheel", "horse" "bridle" and "bronze" first appear in the Indo-European language cluster, for one thing, before many other root languages. The words for those things are grafted into other languages and adopted from the root of Indo European language, too, meaning these cultures borrowed that idea and technology from the earliest of the Indo-Europeans.

    From that base language which linguists call PIE, Proto Indo-European, we first see Old Assyrian and the Hittite language, written in the very earliest forms of writing, cuneiform.

    Soon, we have Hellenistic Mycenaean Greek (or Proto-Greek) then boom, Early Persian, Proto-Latin Italic (which eventually became Italic/ Venetian, the beginnings of the Romance branch of languages), Proto Iranian, Proto-Albanian, Indo-Aryan evolved into Vedic Sanskrit (precursor of Hindu), Proto- Balto-Slavic (the base of Russian/Czech/Hungarian/Slavic languages), Armenian, and the Proto-Celtic to Celtic languages like Gaulish, which evolved into Gaelic and Welsh and finally, Germanic languages, of which the earliest form written is Gothic (from the Goths) the root of English, German.

    That's the biggest language group in the world, and it came from what we now call the Middle East, probably from somewhere between Iran and Russia. That's Caucasian Indo-Europeans, eventually.

    So, this huge language group evolved very quickly because of the warring nature of the earliest of the Indo-Europeans, and it spread their language like wildfire throughout the Bronze Age world through conquest. Imagine how the Semitic tribes must have felt when this big and varied tribal warrior culture started steamrolling up to their boundaries?

    I think the Semitic tribes (Proto-Babylonian/Chaldean, this is before the Hebrews branched off from the main Semitic tribes, Abraham's time) were able to keep their culture and languages from being assimilated by the earliest ancestors of the Assyrians and Hittites and other advancing Indo-European tribes simply because they were equally fiercely warlike, numerous enough, and had large walled cities for defense (such as Ur, where Abraham was from), and quickly adapted Bronze Age technology to their own advantage, weapons and armor, perhaps even also taming horses for warfare.

    But, this "scrambling of languages" by the Semitic God Yahweh seems to reflect that some of the earlier Semtic tribes, proto-Hebrews, I guess you could call them, had succeeded in warding off the Indo-European invaders and their religions and culture, with their many new and strange languages and gods. It happened over many many hundreds or even thousands of years though...not in one year or even 10.

    But, it was notable enough in the oral traditions of the Semitic tribes that it became part of their legends and the victory attributed, of course, eventually to their own "mighty" God of "armies", Yahweh, and eventually written down as part of the Hebrew Bible.

    Anyway, that's my theory on how that folk tale came about, for what it's worth.

  • blondie

    The WTS speculates that the original language of man was a form of Hebrew which did not change for Noah and his faithful descendants such as Shem (semitic). They also speculate that in the "new system" people will go back to Hebrew.

  • sir82


    So if God could miraculously scramble millions or billions of neurons in thousands or millions of human minds instantaneously such that they all spoke new, fully-formed, yet previously unheard languages....

    ...why did he have to resort to the crudest possible method to eliminate "wicked human society" a few years earlier with a global flood, thus destroying most animal & plant life along with it? Couldn't he have come up with some "clever and miraculous" solution like the language-scrambling solution?

    Or maybe...no this couldn't be it...but still, let me throw it out there.....we shouldn't accept the mythology of bronze-age goatherders as reliable historical fact?

  • PrimateDave

    The idea that god scrambled languages is just as mythological as the idea that men could build a tower to reach heaven.

    Hebrew universe

  • dgp

    Oh, this is an easy one, just reported to me by Gabriel and Michael (they came on bikes, with white shirts, black trousers, black ties, some plates on their front pockets and some golden plates): YHWH brought a few theologians, attorneys and visionaries, plus a few anointed and board members and that's how the mess started.

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