Governing Body two-thirds majority

by wannabefree 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannabefree

    I believe current count is 9 GB, so that makes 6 out of 9 for it to be so?

    How about two-thirds when all 10,800 or so are given a say?

  • alanv

    Very interesting reading in Ray Franz' bookks rer. the two thirds majority.

    In a nut shell if 5 out of 9 vote for a change in maybe something really important, even affecting people's lives, it would not go through as the majority was not two thirds, even though the majority wanted the change.

    Recommend everyone to read this in Ray's books. I am assuming this rule has not changed.

  • Kum Vulcan
    Kum Vulcan

    >7,200...Is this purely a math question, as we know that "votes" of the remaining 10,791 equal cos(90)...

  • blondie

    And it was not Ray Franz' rule but was instituted by Nathan Knorr.

  • wannabefree

    Is this purely a math question

    No, I was just pondering, if the fate of all of mankind is in the hands of a 2/3 majority of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses ... and as was mentioned in another post, if they have this allowance because 100% may not agree even though they all are spirit directed (spirit of confusion?) ... I think the +/- margin of error is too high with such a small cross section of people. I think I would be more comfortable with two-thirds majority of at the least all 10,800 +/-.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Another example of how ridiculous new doctrine etc is. If the FDS is God's channel, then they would always be 100% in agreement...(I mean God would relay same important info to all)

  • dozy

    Allowing for a couple of the GB to be too senile or hospitalised , it would require 6 out of the 7 present to vote in favour to make any changes. So one member of the GB voting against and another abstaining would veto any change.

    Ray Franz describes the series of votes against allowing JWs to take provision of alternative service where , despite a majority of the GB being in favour of a change , the required majority wasn't achieveable (with last minute absentions or votes being changed after a bit of lobbying.). In the meantime thousands of JWs spent years in prison , in support of an unscriptural doctrine they didn't understand or agree with. Eventually it was changed in 1996.

    It is debatable whether a simple majority system would be much better. As a former elder , I remember several votes where the PO , backed up by the CO & a few cronies managed to appoint or remove ministerial servants or elders.

  • Kum Vulcan
    Kum Vulcan

    I think the +/- margin of error is too high with such a small cross section of people.

    I agree. A classic "Hasty Generalization" logicall fallacy...


  • startingover

    Dozy or anyone else, can you direct me to a chapter where the alternative service thing was talked about?


  • dozy

    to startingover

    Crisis of Conscience chapter 5 discusses the 2/3 majority rule and has an extensive section on the alternative service debate from page 130 onwards. Reading this (bearing in mind that when Franz wrote the book alternative service was still banned) was a real eye-opener for me.

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