Sex Issues

by XPeterX 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XPeterX

    My sis has been studying for the past 4 months with a female jw and the same jw started whinning that she couldn't have sex with her hubby coz he's on medication,another female pioneer would tell her that she wanted to get laid but her other half is not horny or wouldn't satisfy her.Isn't it wrong to talk about such things with a person who's just started associating with jws?

    P.S When my sister told me that,anger was what I felt

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    If I were your sister, it wouldn’t exactly endear me to the religion.

    “Become a JW and marry a brother who is lousy in bed.”

    Maybe they are subconsciously telling her to run…. RUN!!!

  • Scottiebear7

    When my wife got back into the JW's, she went from a sexual dynamo.... to a complete dud in bed, pretty much overnight. It actually made me sick to my stomach that the WTBT$ was there in bed with me at my most initmate time with my wife. UGH!!!

  • zzaphod

    When I was a dub, my girlfriend at the time didn`t even talk about sex when we were doing it!


    Paul UK

  • yknot

    I-n-a-p-p-r-o-p-r-i-a-t-e !!!!!!!!!

    I am not saying I haven't sat in on studies where sex is discussed, but usually it is about what is clean and unclean.

    Of course your sister's age also filters in......I mean if she is a minor that is even more disturbing!

    Desperation is growing among the rank and file.......

  • Heaven

    If I was studying (*shudder*), this type of talk would not endear me to the JWs at all.

    Back when I was studying, our study leaders were quite elderly and used to talk about their bowel movements with us. This also did not endear me to the JWs.

  • Finally-Free

    Inappropriate any way you slice it. I also feel bad for the husbands. Most men feel bad enough when they experience sexual problems. Having their own wives making them a target for gossip just makes me sick.


  • mrsjones5

    My dear cousin just told me something similar abouta "sister" talking about initmate issues. She said at the time she was shocked. I told her maybe this woman needed to voice what was going on because she had no other outlet.

    These women have no one to voice their sexual concerns to - at least to me no one intelligent (seems to be a lot of high school misinformation about sex running around the bOrg). Remember jws are very isolated and they aren't about to run to a sex therapist if there's problems in the marital bed and the elders are no help.

    What's the elders gonna tell you if you have the poor judgement to tell them that sex with your spouse is horrible? Wait on jehovah and go out in field service more?

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I thinks it's great they said that..........

    RUN TELL YOUR SISTER TO RUN. Sex with a JW is a boring as sitting at the Conventions. You are bound to fall asleep 2 mins. into it.

  • peaches

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