Let's Talk Baseball ! Who's your Favorite Team ? Love My S.F. Giants !

by flipper 240 Replies latest jw friends

  • GLTirebiter

    What an inning!

    Methinks the Texas pitching staff will really appreciate the travel days, they'll need some rest after two nights like they've had in San Francisco.

  • leavingwt

    Did these Rangers really beat the Yankees???

  • flipper

    ZARCO- I had a great feeling tonight before the game that Matt Cain would dominate. Over 21 straight scoreless innings in playoff games now ! Don't worry about the cost of flying to see a game - the flight would probably be actually cheaper than getting a World Series seat at A T & T park in S.F. Seats are going for $400.00 I here at the cheapest ! Expensive ones over a $ 1,000.

    GL TIREBITER- Me also thinks the Texas bullpen needs to learn to throw strikes for christ sakes ! Good lord- I couldn't believe Ron Washington let 3 straight batters be walked before he pulled that first wild relief pitcher ! If that was Bruce Bochy- he NEVER would have allowed a pitcher to walk a run home.

    LEAVING WT- If these Rangers beat the Yankees- what does that tell you about the Yankees ? LOL !

    I'm so happy I could dance the twist ! LOL ! The entire East coast media has totally underestimated our team from San Francisco ! The analysts back there don't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground. The Giants have THE best pitchers in major league baseball- period. Matt Cain shut down Philadelphia 3- 0 last week so it's no big surpriseto us here out west that he won 9 - 0 tonight. So- it's on to Texas ya all ! Remember the Alamo ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • zarco

    Congrats, Flipper. I love the Giants. I went to Candlestick as a wee little zarco many years ago. What an evening.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    9 - 0!

    What a trouncing!


  • truthseekeriam

    Great game Flipper!! My teens are totally into this series, we are having so much fun screaming and shouting!

    Make sure you do your Indian chant on Sat GO Giants!!

  • flipper

    Well- I did my indian chant Saturday before Game 3 - didn't work THIS time. Sanchez gave up that 3 run home run by giving the Texas guy a fat pitch and presto- Rangers led 3 - 0 in no time. I'm glad my Giants didn't lay down though and cut the final score to 4 - 2 . Hit 2 home runs of their own ! Well- tomorrow is another day. I have a good feeling about Baumgarner . He's in the mold of a Matt Cain. Not very emotional ( like Sanchez ) and stays calm and collected. I think the Giants bounce back tomorrow. We shall see

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Even thou SF Lost..... they looked Sharp! They Win...... Texas can't beat em.

    And I'm a Red Sox Fan so the Team that isn't the Yankees is my Team.... Texas is OUT! Sorry Guys ... Final Answer!

  • flipper

    DARTH- I hope you are right. I hope Texas is out. But I won't rest easy until we get an advantage with a 3rd win in taking a series lead. If I learned anything from the 2002 World Series when the Giants led the Anaheim Angels 3 - 2 ; it ain't over till the fat lady sings with 3 outs in the 9th inning and a 4th game completely won ! LOL ! My 25 yr.old son & me will be watching the game today at a bar on a lunch break from our work. Go Giants ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • GLTirebiter

    Another great performance tonight! The Giants' pitching staff has been the difference so far. I wish they weren't starting the Monday game so early, though. I'd rather watch it live than recorded.

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