How Many Here Actually "Handled The Microphones"?

by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    Yep.many times

  • moshe

    Mny of those young ministerial servant microphone handlers would have rather been handling , mammaries, instead of being stuck in the KH.

  • JRK

    I was master of my microphone.


  • tenyearsafter

    I frequently had the "privilege" of handling the mics, closing with prayer and handling the literature after the meeting...what a full measure I was shown!!

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    OOH!! Pick me!! Pick me!!

    I had the "privilege" and currently still do. I don't mind handling the mics or even the sound booth. It keeps me distracted.

    And while doing the sound recently during the meeting, I "paid attention" my cellphone. I viewed and read this apostate website! The Horror!! I'm going to die!! LOL

  • miseryloveselders

    I ran mics, did stage, handled the sound system, sometimes adjusted the microphone for myself (top that off), as I was doing highlights and the instruction talk as Ministerial Servant, and I believe one of those talks Servants weren't supposed to be doing. This thread kinda depresses me. I hate brown nosers, lap dogs, kiss azzes. Yet thats what I was doing my whole life, justifying it as I thought I was doing it for Jehovah when the reality was, I was really doing for it some old geezers in NYC, and some brainwashed geezers in my congregation whom I still have love towards. What a waste of a life. How many Tuesday nights wasted handling the microphone, sitting in the first row so I could adjust the speaker's mics promptly. Making sure to set up the demonstrations fast enough to still have time to sing the final verse in the song.

    You realize how silly it sounds looking back on it now? We were showing our dedication by running up and down the aile handing off microphones. We were idiots!! Buffoon!! Singing songs like, "Here I am send me!!" A brother whom I love dearly, just got removed from magazines, and despite the fact that its supposed to be viewed as negatively, I want to go up to him sometimes and ask how good does it feel to no longer do that nonsense?

  • rockmehardplace

    we had an elder give a lesson on how to handle mics - ours were wireless. taught us where to stand when someone commented, where to stand between paragraphs. best part of the lesson, when the elder - who was an elderly brother- taught the young ms and other priveleged brothers to make sure when someone comments they hold the mic like they are licking an ice cream cone. he then proceeded to pretend licking the mic for what seemed like 10 minutes. a bunch of us young guys just busted out laughing. to this day, when i get ice cream, i always impersonate that brother and my wife cracks up.


    Yup. So used to annoy the hell out of me when only one person had their hand up at the front and were clearly going to be picked to answer, but the deadhead holding the mic would stand at the back and only start to amble towards them after they were picked. The WT always went overtime when certain bros were on duty.

    One rather c0cky bro used to play games with the mic moving it away from your mouth during the answer to see if he could get you to lean forward and drop your WT.


  • Quillsky

    Nobody has really addressed the issue of why only males can handle the microphones.

  • cantleave

    I was asked to handle microphones at the last meeting I attended; I must have missed at least 10 prior to that - an apostate mic handler how about that?

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