JW Facebook Group - anarchy at the Memorial LMAO

by James_Slash 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • James_Slash

    I'm sorry but I haven't a clue how to link this so I will just put the address.


    This group has been set up by a guy that I knew from my days in the org. He is the biggest hypocrite going. It wasnt so long ago that he was D/F for fornication and now he's back in the 'truth' and 'doing well' he thinks he is a direct link to God.

    I loved his story regarding the Memorial night disruption.

  • blondie
  • MsDucky

    I went to the link posted and it doesn't say anything about the Memorial.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    LOL. I couldn't resist posting over there.

  • fokyc

    Topic: Memorial dissruption

    Displaying the only post.

    • Chris Louise At the Memorial we remember everything Jesus has done, and will yet do for mankind. (In short)
      Well memorial night was interrupted by a Zealous but Delusional person who took it upon himself to try and save us poor misguided Jehovah’s Witnesses!

      Firstly something positive, working on Car park duty with Trevor. G and Michael. N, I meet Neil (He was a very nervous man,) outside the front gates - who may or may not have been unwittingly preached too by our guest apostate! But I walked and talked with him in the car park and asked him what he believed, we walked into the hall were I introduced him to a brother, I believe he stayed for the meeting but I don’t know anymore than that! If you know something let me know.

      I walked to the gates where I recognised Michael. F giving out leaflets; I said what are you doing here? he told me and then started babbling about Jesus, [I’ve had long and pointless discussions with him before, He has had contact with J.W’s and with Mormons, (No Connection!) but as of a few years ago has formed his own ideas and has turned his home into a meeting place and actively promotes his views, He will use Gods name when it suits him but does not think his name is important, and that Jesus is God. He thinks we are an American religion, like that’s supposed to discredit us or something! Jesus was a Jew! He zealously believes he has the true religion, and has made us his special target, I once explained to him too all the extent that we have preached the message about Gods kingdom around the world, (so how could a one man band compete with that?) I asked him what he thought Gods Kingdom would accomplish. I don’t think he’s come up with anything solid yet? “Were all going to heaven” he said, (Just say you don‘t know!) Sadly he is not open to any reason, as of yet! And wouldn’t let you get a word in anyway! ] but anyhow I said sternly, I’m not going to talk to you because I believe your an apostate.
      Later I saw Michael. F talking to a young man who I thought was another interested person, so I tried to rescue him… I had just welcomed and invited him in when Michael said, Good luck brother Luke! (Alarm bells!) He happened to be carrying a plastic bag, I said to him what do you have in the bag? (Blank expression.)
      I said are there leaflets in there? He said, Yes. So I said sternly, ‘they cant come in here, sorry you can't come in.’ And so I shut him out, A min later he tried again without the bag, but I refused him, as we warned the brothers, it dawned on me that Neil the nervous man from earlier might have been with them, but I was not sure!

      I’d been questioning that night and the following morning whether I’d been to harsh on Michael. F and Luke? Until I heard what had happened later after we left!

      After the memorial had finished Michael. F sneaked in, got on the platform and started to preach to the congregation, then whilst been escorted out he started to shout stuff about Jesus, then outside he was at the gate with Luke trying to talk to the brothers and give out tracts.
      Yesterday 31st March 2010 at 3:15pm </form>
  • James_Slash

    Michael Belkin has probably crippled the site with his post LMAO

  • Quillsky

    Good point, Mickey!

    MsDucky, click on the Discussions link.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I don't really see the humor, myself. It just shows how loony these memorial crashers are perceived by JWs. I doubt any of them left the hall that night thinking "that apostate made some good points".

  • James_Slash

    I actually agree with Keyser to a degree. I would have gone there with newspaper clippings of JW child abuse scandals and documentational proof from WT literature showing evidence of changes in doctrine. Ranting and raving about 'Jesus' isn't going to win anybody over. But if you knew this guy Chris, you would have paid money to see this.

    I remember years ago he turned up at the KH with a lunatic who he'd met in the park en-route. He brought her to the meeting and she started ranting and raving during the public talk. He is a clown, with a chequered history but now on his 'holier than thou' act. A typical JW.

  • badseed

    I agree Keyser. What christians or exJW don't realize when they do stuff like that is that it only reinforces their "thank god we have the truth" mentality.

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