My Uses of Psychotropic Medicine and Marijuana Effects

by frankiespeakin 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    Nothing even comes close to caffeine. It is the greatest smart drug available.

    It also causes long colorful dreams

    If you seek lucid dreams, melatonin is worth a try. OTC available. Unfortunately, I frequently sit naked in a Kingdom Hall in those dreams.


  • frankiespeakin

    Don't forget chocolate, it always gives a nice send off sometimes. As far as coffee,, I brew one cup at a time on one of those 2layered things and I pack it full of expesso grind two cups every morning along with a hardy bowl oatmeal,,Starbuck some times I get a double or triple shot when in the mood added to most full bodied the have available.

    I can drink that and go to bed if I'm tired no problem.

  • Quentin

    This topic is a riot......I'll stick to my vallium, benadryl and hydracodone...don't take much to zone me out....

  • villabolo


    "If you seek lucid dreams, melatonin is worth a try. OTC available. Unfortunately, I frequently sit naked in a Kingdom Hall in those dreams"

    Tried Melatonin before but its dream effects faded with time. DHEA also causes lucid dreams.

    One thing that keeps on working for months is a vitamin B12/B6/Folic Acid combination in sublingual form. They look like tiny red dots. The B12 is what causes the lucid dreams but don't take B12 alone for any length of time as it will cause an unbalance of other B vitamins. That is why the triple combination was invented, it's much safer to take. Trader Joes has it quite cheaper than other vitamin/health food stores. Take it before bedtime for best effects.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hydroxyethane is legal, easily manufactured with primitive equipment and is the drug of choice for many religious groups.



  • TanCatLuvr

    Frankie, this is the kind of topic that fascinates me. I have a library full of books on the subject. I would love to talk to you more, how can I reach you? TanCatLuvr

  • Brocephus

    I am personally a fan of Zoloft and Crown Royal on Rainy days. Miller Lite does the drink the rest of the time. Of course I am chilling around the 32nd Paralel.

  • Robdar

    I haven't heard of half the drugs that are being mentioned on this thread.

    How do I get some of them????

  • Brocephus

    Zoloft, just tell your Doc you were a JW and can't stop obessing about a fiery rock the size of an astroid being hurled at you from the hand of God because you had a birthday party. He'll have you on 100 mgs, stat!

  • Mary

    Ya can't beat Percocet and wine.

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