Do you miss God?

by wobble 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cry

    No, but more importantly does he/she miss me??

  • jaguarbass

    I pray to God. The bible says to pray. Is the bible Gods word? Is the bible correct?

    Some of my prayers have been answered. When I was a witness, I prayed that God would

    show me the truth.

    He showed me that the witnesses did not have the truth.

    Did he show me or am I talking to myself? I dont know but it works, sometimes.

    I have gotten a lot of things I have prayed for.

    And sometimes I havent gotten things that I have prayed for and I have been very let

    down and I get very upset and mad.

    I often have times when things are quiet and I can think, when I think, I think about what

    I want and when I want something I pray for it. Often times I get what I pray for.

    I read the bible, I have read it cover to cover many times and I read it here and there regualarly.

    There is some good direction to live your life by in the bible. Proverbs and Ecclesiatstes.

    If you live your life according to that information and pray accordingly, you will probably see

    some good results.

    And I cant tell you for sure if God is directly intervening or if its just good orderly direction.

    And if you have good orderly direction in your life, you will get some good results.

    Good orderly direction is an accronym for GOD.

    I'm going to try to stay on the path or course that I have been on for the last 57

    years, praying to God and looking for truth.

  • whoknows

    I miss having a strong faith in a being that had a definite plan to right all the evil and injustices in the world and was going to do so SOON, and I miss the comfort in believing that one day there would be no more suffering. For me, realizing that I had been duped by a cult leaves me skeptical of religion in general. It does make me feel empty sometimes, but I am getting used to it. I still hope there is a benevolent God who has something better for us, but right now my name says it all for me.

  • Graham G.
    Graham G.

    I do not miss the Watchtower god. Because that was not the God of the Bible. I found the real God. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Christianity is not a relogion. It's a one on one relationship with God. No church membership required.

  • FuzzyPaul

    In the few years that I have read this board, I've noticed that the version of God the Watchtower taught is the issue, not God. They rewrote the New World Translation in ways that cause God to be misrepresented. See Psalms 18 from verse 15 down. Past tenses became future and the jist of one verse becomes "I can prove myself."

    I studied the sciences, evolution is improbable in the extreme. It could not have happened. Features and functions must be programmed for in DNA. Random assemblies of DNA couldn't create life. DNA isn't chemically possible without life and life isn't possible without DNA. Small mistakes in the replication of DNA are usually fatal when organisms reproduce. Those that are survivable almost always cause disease states. Since evolution is not possible using Mathematical Probabilities then I can represent that God is a certainty. It is a one or the other case, no argument I know of has a third.

    I am sure there is an Almighty Creator, when I pray I hear him respond. He has told me things that I have had no way of knowing otherwise. This is the same as reported by others in traditional Christianity. God directs me, I don't direct him. But God likes when I ask.

    I so hate what the Watchtower did to me and to others. So many people have been disillusioned away from faith because they had faith in people or organizations claiming to have the answers not in the object of faith. The WT version of faith is perverted.

    I see the big picture, their is a plan of salvation. God is at work all around us.

    Looking at a picture of a starving child a person condemned God for it when the picture actually condemned us before him, we caused the problems, we didn't arrange for better things for others.


  • leec

    Maybe another related question is -- have any of you that left JW and became atheist considered that maybe this false religion has merely succeeded in distancing you from the God which does exist, and isn't anywhere near what you'd been dragged through all those years? I'm not saying that I know that to be the case, I'm just saying it's at least worth considering.

    Ironically, I've come out of my JW experience establishing a new relationship with God -- not Jehovah, not the God of the RC religion - but God the universe.

  • leavingwt


    Maybe another related question is -- have any of you that left JW and became atheist considered that maybe this false religion has merely succeeded in distancing you from the God which does exist, and isn't anywhere near what you'd been dragged through all those years? I'm not saying that I know that to be the case, I'm just saying it's at least worth considering.

    Please see the following thread for more information.

  • lifelong humanist
    lifelong humanist


    I can say with total certainty that I no longer do.

    As cofty said, having preconceived ideas can be quite comforting to life's many uncertainties. When you no longer accept this erroneous view, you have to grow up quickly, realize that we all have to do our best to be as happy as we can and do as much good to others as we can, for this life is all there is. It takes a bit of time before you become entirely comfortable with this point of view.

    lifelong humanist

  • Most Noble
    Most Noble

    For me, realizing that I had been duped by a cult leaves me skeptical of religion in general. It does make me feel empty sometimes, but I am getting used to it. But I still hope there is a benevolent God who has something better for us.

  • crmsicl

    "Religion is something we are taught.

    Spirituality is something we learn & teach ourselves"

    I heard this recently and it makes sense to me.

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