My daughter has a JW friend at our home for a sleep-over tonight !! Help!

by moshe 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • notewe
  • moshe

    You know, a lot of people are worried about Jews, too. They find out it's all normal stuff in this house- Gregor, I have never invited any aquaintance to Sabbath services at Temple. The first time I went to Temple with girlfriend/future wife, her family asked me many times how did you like it? I said OK, but I really didn't understand what was going on during the service.

    Hubert, you crack me up- read the C-C! No, I don't advertise that I was a JW at one time. Some dogs are better left asleep.

  • Gayle

    Well, seems you've been complimented. They must consider you "good people." Wonderful for the daughter to have friends and know families that are good people and they don't even go to the Kingdom Hall. Hopefully the little girl will grow up with a little more open mind than most JWs and know she has good non-JW friends.

  • moshe

    Thanks Gayle-

    We got a xmas card from a neighbor last week- he thanked us for fixing up our house and being an asset to the neigborhood. It was pretty neglected when we moved in, like so many short sale/repo homes are. This family we have learned has moved in from Colorado- renting. I am wondering why they moved here- over 13% unemployment right now.

  • yknot

    Wow what a wonderful happenstance!

    Hope the girls continue having a blast!

  • SixofNine

    Must..... resist..... urge....... to make tasteless joke.

  • GLTirebiter
    Would active JW's go to that movie?

    Let's see, here's my semi-serious list of reasons they wouldn't:

    • Spiritism? (communing with the planet-goddess through the "tree of life")
    • Magic? (transferring the soul from the human hero to his avatar body, by intervention of the planet-goddess)
    • Allusions to pagan mythology? (flying on the backs of dragons)
    • Misusing the Holy Name? (pronunciation of the planet-goddess' name is suspiciously similar to reversing the syllables of "Yahweh")
    • Immodest dress? (only CG animation could keep the warrior-maiden's assets covered, barely, with skimpy native clothing through the battle scenes)
    • Rated PG-13 for "intense epic battle sequences and warfare, sensuality, language and some smoking"? (good gal Sigourney Weaver smokes CIGARETTES!)

    But on the other hand, the military/corporate establishment (Babylon the Great) is the villian of the story...

    Now changing to a serious comment: I'd ask her parents about this first. The kid may be trying to sample forbidden fruit behind her parents' backs. If that's the case, guess who catches the blame--not only from her parents, but also from your daughter when her friend can't come to your house again? Personally, I like the movie--but I do see how JWs and other strict sects might object to it, and they are the parents.


    Edited to coorect: I missed the fact that her parents took her to see it. I though the kids asked you to take them!

  • moshe

    Well, I survived and they had a good time. My wife thought it strange that the girls mother never came down to our house to meet us. I never told her the whole story about my run-in with them. Still, it seems strange, that if they knew my anti- JW blood dogma stance, that they would have let her associate with our daughter. And I agree, that JW's who go to see Avatar aren't very strict when it comes to following the dicates of the F&DS. In short, I see a family that is not happy with the JW lifestyle.

  • JAFO

    Be friendly, be "normal", don't discuss religion. Just let them see that "worldly" people are normal, kind, and a damn sight more friendly and accepting of them as they are than the judgemental hypocrites they're used to dealing with.. If they're fading or "weak", as seems to be the case, they'll be starving for company.. treating them as friends will be the best thing you could do for them...

    Best wishes with it all.

  • hubert

    I totally agree with "JAFO", Moshe. They are probably fading, and looking for a good "worldly" friend for their daughter.

    They don't realize the perfect place they are in, being your neighbor. As I know you will...take it slow.


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