Another JW dies... (blood issue)

by xcellxior 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dinah

    Gary, in this case, I think their "lumps" would spell the end of the religion. If I had lost my Mom, sister, husband, child over standing firm for Jehovah only to have them come along a few years later and say "Oops! Sorry!" I'd be furious.

    They have painted themselves into a corner on this one.

  • thetrueone

    They wouldn't for two important reason, the lives lost that have already been taken, which would remove the veil that they are the one only true organization

    guided by god and there is also the legal ramifications placed upon them by family members who lost one of their own due

    to this maligning doctrine. You can best believe their lawyers went through this quite alot over the years.

    Its both sad and amusing how religions like this pick and choose what biblical laws they want to supposedly enforce to

    substantiate themselves as a source of spiritualistic power and then leave out what they also desire.

  • sammielee24

    ou know, when this happesn to children I balme the parents and when this happens to adults I blame the adults, I do NOT blame the WT,


    I DO blame the WTS when an adult dies for THEIR cause. Why? Because for many people born into the religion that become adults, the ability to toss away the brainwashing they have been part of for their entire lives, is impossible. It is not simply a matter of saying 'just do it' or 'i did it you can too'....people and their emotions and abilities are complex and individual...the structure of belief/fear/guilt is similar to the structure of fear/gulit that is imbedded into the minds of children who are abused and for whom many, many, remain never get out emotionally or mentally.

    When I hear this sort of statement, I am constantly reminded of so many statements and conversations that I have heard over the years when a story hits the news about spousal abuse and the comments from a portion of society is always the same 'she could have left - she should have'. It is very complex and not so very simple and when I hear that, I always feel that the victim is being blamed again on so many levels for being victimized. It's like the comments a JW will say when a woman is raped as she walked past a bar - 'well, what was she doing walking there'...'she shouldn't have been wearing that blouse'..' she asked for it when she talked to those guys'......the sort of statements that today, account for a high number of women never coming forward to admitting they were the victim of this sort of crime.

    I always feel sad at the lack of understanding.....but that's just how I see it...sammieswife.

  • JWinprotest

    In your opinion, do you think that the leaders of the WTS(whether it's the GB or lawyers) view the death of a JW refusing blood as a good witness to the public, or do you think they view it as bad press? I'm kind of torn between the 2.

  • JWoods

    They put up an Awake with pictures of dead kids, didn't they?

    I am sure they view this as a great witness that they are so different from the world.

  • JWinprotest

    Good point JWoods, but they have to figure, that the more die especially young ones, the greater the risk that governments get involved. Which could result in more situations like the one in Russia.

  • JWoods

    I have never been that sure that they conduct "rational argument" on such matters - look at the mess they made of Malawi in the 1960s...

    At least back in my day (over 30 years ago), they were absolutely obsessed with their "persecution fetish" - the more persecuted they were, the better they seemed to like it.

  • Sapphy

    WTS teaches that the symbol of life is more important than life itself. Once I realised that, the blood doctrine made no sense at all. Let alone the Pharasaical 'component' v fraction debate.

  • LucyA

    "Surgeon Diarmuid O’Riordan told the inquest there was a “98pc to 99pc chance she would have survived if she was given the appropriate blood transfusion”.

    A useless and pointless loss of life.

  • ldrnomo

    The coroner should have ruled it "death by Watchtower Society Governing Body"


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