"i woke up to find a demon at the end of my bed"

by highdose 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • trueblue

    I have one of those about once every three or four years, it sounds like someone breaking in in the middle of the night and comong into my room and I can't move. Last time it got in bed with me and blew on the back of my neck before I snapped out of it. Never new they had a name for it, never thought it was a demon either.

    Thought I had too much sugar the night before.

  • peacedog

    Sleep paralysis is very common. I've experienced it several times myself.

  • watson
  • nonjwspouse
  • Simon

    The bible: explaining medical disorders and mental illness with the supernatural.

    What do people expect when they go to 2000 year old goat farmer stories for advice ...

  • watson

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