To you what was the Watchtower Socity's biggest lie ?

by The Almighty Homer 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • minimus

    The FDS lie.

  • Magwitch

    Jehovah's people are HAPPY PEOPLE

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Of course, if they believe this "lie" is it a lie?

    Exactly. I think the vast majority of "lies" probably falls under this category.

    There is one little gem that I believe was a purposefully created with deception in mind. The internal child custody booklet advice to use "spiritually weak" kids as witnesses in court can't be explained any other way imo. While not a lie in the most explicity sense, it is probaby the most hypocritical thing I've ever seen the Watchtower publish.

  • whoknows

    The deliberate choosing and twisting of the parable of the Faithful and Discreet Slave to confer power upon themselves over the other slaves and the abuse of this power.

  • undercover

    "Millions Now Living Will Never Die"

    Just think about it for a minute. To never die. What a preposterous claim to make.

    Has anyone, anyone, ever cheated death? Is there one documented case in all of mankind's history of someone living way beyond what is normal and humanly possible?

    And along comes this religion that tells people that hey, you don't have to die. You can live paradise no less.

    That is the utmost lie that one can tell. And yet we were fucking stupid enough to actually believe it, or at least hope for it. What a bunch of dupes...

  • moshe

    The biggest lie? - It's the same as with so many others, the inerrancy of the Bible, which sets the stage for all the grief mankind has had to endure from the clergy/leader/teacher class, who have falsely claimed to rightly interpret the Bible. Circular reasoning proves everything for them in the end.

  • DrJohnStMark

    The biggest lie they tell is that a God (in the sense indicated by the Bible) exists, and from that lie you can easily derive what ever smaller ones you wish... like that evolution (in the sense indicated by WT publications) cannot have happened.

    But everybody's telling that lie. About the biggest lie the organization has told me... it was about 607 and they did know it's bs. Nobody else is telling that lie.

    The biggest lie an individual JW has told me was by one 'mature' CO who did know better. He said in his talk that the "WT society never said that this generation refers to those who in 1914 were old enough to understand." After his talk I was so amazed that I had to check from my bookshelf that it indeed was a lie. Ever since I've been wondering if that lie was invented by him or if it was written in his instructions from the society.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Interesting comments all !

    Another one of their largest lies perpetrated of course would have to be that we are now living in the end times and Armageddon in closely imminent,

    by their interpretation of the writings of the bible. This sorted fear mongering encapsulated their followers to take assertive action to attend

    the Society's prearranged and monitored meetings and to go door to door pushing their literature on to the public.

    This aggressive manipulation of people thwarted many to join and be submissive to any doctrine that spewed out the mouths of the leaders.

    Just as it has worked in the past so to it accomplishes this feat today.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    The perpectual lie that never ends namely...This system is going to be destroyed...anyday day now...just wait.

    Been waiting and believing that lie since the late 1800's.

  • Gayle

    1975! Of course, there were all the previous dates,,but that was long before me. But the reality of living then,,hearing all the talks & hype, assemblies, Bethel,,hearing it plenty from Knorr, Franz, district overseers, circuit overseers etc. And then, when it was blamed on "some (?) brothers," then, it was painfully clear how much they lie and have absolutely no conscience about it otherwise.

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