Are Jehovah's Witness men good catches?

by garyneal 77 Replies latest social relationships

  • garyneal

    wha happened:

    Ouch, sounds like a real company man who has lived in a bubble and therefore does not know how to relate to the world.

  • garyneal


    Children who've lived in and are still living in bubble, huh? What did my co-worker call people like this, sheeple?

  • truthseekeriam

    Wha...I guess my JW husband was happy to get a not so innocent ex- worldly girl to show him the ropes..LOL.

    His mom wasn't thrilled... but hey ,15 years and counting. What can she say now

  • yesidid

    Seems to me JW's men are similar to most others who claim to be Christian.

    Some good some bad.

    Mine was/is great, and I know many other good JW husbands. On the other hand I know some creeps.


  • garyneal

    Well gang, all I can say so far is if my sister-in-law does realize her dream of marrying a Jehovah's Witness man, let's hope he's a good hearted man from the start. Otherwise, I feel sorry for her and her daughter.

    Currently, she has no interest in the witnesses because she is too busy doing things that witnesses would not approve of (such as smoking and going to wild parties). She told me one time that she thinks all JW's are robots and I told her that my wife probably hates that I am associating with 'apostates.' Even she got uncomfortable when I revealed that to her.

    Reminds me of a thread someone else started about some chick that liked him and was fooling around and all but decided to sever her ties with him when he went 'apostate.'

  • mrsjones5

    As a born-in I thought jw men were good catches then I grew up

  • Son of Man
    Son of Man

    hell no! marrying a jw man is a ticket to slow self esteam and bullying for the rest of your life!

    LOL ! ! !
  • garyneal


    That was the same point I was making. Seems like there are good and bad apples in and out of any religion. I guess in regards to the witnesses, there just seems to be this mindset that they are such wonderful people.

    White-wash the coffins, cleaning the outside of the cups. Currently the church I attend is rather unorthodox in some of its methods of worship but I haven't really found anything unbiblical. I suppose I would rather be amongst a group of 'crazies' who are sincere in their love for the Lord and one another than a bunch of 'robots' as my sister-in-law put it.

  • KidKool

    Jehovah's Witness men are possibly, but certainly not always, and maybe not even a majority- hyperreligious. However, I have met many people who were like that who were NOT Jehovah's witnesses who are hypereligious and follow a strict ethical code (meaning he might not cheat on you or abuse you, but there are no guarantees in life and people certainly change).

    Another point is that religious people definitely do not have a monoply on ethics. Non-religious people often live by an ethical code too. I'm one of them.

    A person needs to use judgement in who they date or marry (Strange concept?). A person who has committed a lot of crimes might not be a "good catch" whether they are a Jehovah's Witness now or not.

    Women say a lot of things- how great it would be to marry someone who is x, y, or z. Your wife may have just been yanking your chain, so don't worry about it.


    A former JW brother

  • garyneal


    My wife and sister-in-law are both 'born-ins.'

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