"Stone the infidels", erm ... I mean apologists (IMPORTANT)

by Simon 43 Replies latest forum announcements

  • rebel8

    This forum would benefit from a locked "sticky" thread cross-posted in every folder stating what will not be tolerated in regards to apologists.

  • steve2

    Well expressed Simon!

    One of the strengths of this site is allowing people - JW apologists included - to express themselves. Provided posters follow the posting guidelines, tolerance is a really good policy.

    I can still be surprised by some posters displays of emotion dysregulation - especially in their response to other posters who defend specific Watchtower policies. For me, the most revealing part is where posters then speculate about the character of those defending the Watchtower. A classic case perhaps of those who themselves have been on the receiving end of harsh judgement meting it out to others.

  • mouthy

    Well Simon if I have stepped over the line at any time I am sorry.

    It did get under my collar,when the place that is holding my kids captive

    is glorified. But as suggested i should "grow up"

    or leave the board. I just wish I could.But it is my addiction


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I just re-read the rules at the bottom of this page, and there is no rule against preaching. I thought there was. I wondered why apologists came here and used this site as their own personal territory to get their time in without getting into trouble by the mods. It's all legal as per the rules. Sorry if I broke the rules lately. I do seem to remember burning someone at the stake for tween texting on here. I heard that someone confessed to coming on here to purposely mislead us by spelling horribly, including grammar. I'll leave it for the mods to take care of that kind of jerky dishonesty.

  • VIII

    Do what I do when you realize that the apologist is posting stuff that annoys you:

    Close the thread. Close your browser. Walk away. Don't post. Simply ignore.

    You feed their *want* to get under your skin. The more posters who post on those threads, the more they keep posting their drivel.

    Sometimes it is very difficult to walk away. However, after a few minutes it wears off.

  • BadBettie

    You could'nt count time preaching here, you don't know who is active and who isn't for sure...as some may say otherwise to hide their true identity.

    If anyone is they'd better turn in some negative hours. How would that look on the congregation seceretary's report?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Thanks Simon. This stuff must create a real headache for you at times.

  • I discovered
    I discovered

    Sorry Simon it won't happen again.

  • flipper

    SIMON- Good thread. Glad you are bringing this up. I like the quote you used in the format instructions , or whatever, " Forums may be moderated to make sure they stay friendly & welcoming. " Exactly - I agree.

    Things that annoy me at times is how people even doubt the authenticity of new posters and the stories they bring about hard situations they have overcome exiting the witnesses. It's like some posters think they have a handle on EACH PERSON'S situation and that some people's situations have been so bizarre - they couldn't POSSIBLY be true ! It's ridiculous. Any of us who were in the JW organization KNOW how bizarre peoples circumstances get- ESPECIALLY when you decide to leave a high control group like that ! Hell- I could make a movie about my life in the last 12 years or so- ( though I don't think anybody would want to watch it . ) LOL !

    The other point I wanted to make is most of us go through so much pain leaving the witnesses in the first place, i.e., shunning from JW relatives, questions of what we now believe, what our future will be, etc. - that the LAST thing we need if newly posting on a board like this is for people to be unwelcoming or doubting our authenticity. Didn't some of us get enough harsh treatment as witnesses ? So I feel we need to give these folks a soft landing place and a hearing ear so to speak in order to help them see the availability of new options for them gaining information which they did not have access to in the Jehovah's Witnesses. So just my 2 cents

  • I discovered
    I discovered

    I'll be more freindly to apologists, but I don't think I was unfreindly to the newbies. If I was I'm sorry.

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