"Stone the infidels", erm ... I mean apologists (IMPORTANT)

by Simon 43 Replies latest forum announcements

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx for this Simon. This needed aired, and in front of Admin

  • AllTimeJeff
    Yes, debate about what people say is welcome ... where some go wrong is that they think calling people names somehow then means they win the argument or don't have to engage in debate (which they don't of course, but if they don't they should just keep quiet).

    Thanks Simon.

    If I might, I think it very effective when a JW says something we disagree with or know is wrong to simply demonstrate why it is wrong.

    Speaking for myself, there were many years in my life where I sounded just like some "apologists" on the board that seem to irritate us. Truthfully, I didn't know any better.

    It is my opinion that as we progress in the information age, and more JW's are bound to look here, that a more mature way of dealing with JW dogma, as well as our own personal experiences, is a great way to go.

    Having said that, I appreciate the posters I have become "buddies" with on this board, even if I disagree with some of them at times.


  • yesidid
    And why the hostility?
    Because they currently hold a belief that most other people on here did at some point and try to
    defend the WTS or even just point out that some of the claims made about them don't appear to have merit.

    Thank you Simon, and thank you again.

    I really cant understand why some have such a preoccupation with "trolls".

    It's like "trolls" have a contagious desease we can catch over the 'net, so all must be warned and

    the"trolls" thrown off the site.

    What happened to "kindness" and "benefit of the doubt".


  • Angharad

    The irony is of course that the behaviour people show when they are on 'troll patrol' is exactly what trolls aim for. So they have already lost that battle.

  • SixofNine

    I just have to interject: The Stoned Infidels would be a righteous band name. Especially if the band was made up of apostates.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    I think this might occur out of the emotional sensitivity that people have when folks are on their way out or just recently left the JWS

    and these people carry with them fresh wounds gouged in their hearts by this devious little religion.

    Its therefore probable and somewhat understandable to see certain one react the way they do, not to to make excuses of course.

    I think Simon is right though in that we should levitate an appropriate amount of respect to individuals particularly the JW apologists

    who come on the forum to sometimes no less preach JW doctrine. Sometime words presented in a kind and empathic way go a much further reaching

    into a individual than ones that are throw with intensional malice.

    Remember too folks long time devoted JWS are now starting to realize something not quite right with the faith that they have so long

    belonged to, that still doesn't mean that they are not going to be objectively defensive about their beliefs. They may have actually come here

    to get information they're searching for, even if its in an unobvious way.

  • Satanus

    Yah, that's kind of a sad case.


  • villabolo
    Why was Elsewhere's recent thread about Glenn Beck closed?

    Because it was just libelous clap-trap. Why was it even made on this site? Why are you making such an issue of it? What has it got at all to do with this topic? Do you think that makes you look super clever or something?

    Does this mean that we cannot post anything about any politician (or wannabe) under the politics and current affairs section?


  • Simon
    Does this mean that we cannot post anything about any politician (or wannabe) under the politics and current affairs section?

    No, but if you post the obvious search-engine-bait crap that was referred then don't be surprised if it get's removed. Oh, and Nathan Nates ... just to educate you a little because you obviously don't "get it" ... me removing a topic like that from this site does not infringe your or anyone else's freedom of speech in any way. You are free to post it elsewhere. In fact, I encourage you to register your own web-site to post libelous and wild over the top accusations ...

    Also, if I allowed a topic like that to stay up and was contacted by someone wanting to take legal recourse I wouldn't hesitate to provide all the contact info and log info I had about the poster in a heartbeat. Don't hide behind me to try and post your political drivel !

  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland

    Question: How many moderators are there? Can they shut down a thread arbitrarily?

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