JWs--A Religion No One Really Cares About

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    They are legends in their own mind.

    It's a world that is unique and not easily understood unless you have been a part of it.

    Everyone else thinks its crazy. And by everyone else, I mean, "I/We/Our family have so many things going on. Every now and then, they knock on my door, leave me some literature and leave. I throw it away with the Pennysaver. So they say I am going to die huh? Ok... I have work to do, thanks for talking"

    I mean EVERYBODY!

    Those of us who have left should care. But it helps to keep things in perspective, to not get too wound up. There is good reason why the GB gets away with a lot of shit. They are too small to deal with really, in the grand scheme of things, by most governments.

    Whats the percentage in the US? 1 million publishers to 300 million citizens? Yeah, not to great....



    The Jehovah`s Witness`s are even smaller in the Christian community..

    There are 2 Billion Christians..World Wide..

    6 &1/2 Million are Jehovah`s Witness`s..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s don`t even make up 1 full percentage point..

    They are a percentage..Of a single percentage point..

    In the world of Christianity..


  • AllTimeJeff


    To us, anyone who has been affected, it only stands to reason that they are huge.

    Perhaps it would help the healing to know that JW's aren't really that big, strong, or smart. They simply are spiritual bullies who kidnapped us for a while.

    That doesn't make them anything other then pint sized cowards!

  • stillajwexelder

    You are correct minimus - at face value - nobody really does care about the witnesses.

    However, the popularity of boards like this tends to show some do "care" about them.

  • stillajwexelder

    let us use easy math. Nearly 7 billion world poulation and 7 million witnesses - so 0.1% of the world are JW

  • OnTheWayOut

    I'm convinced the only people who believe Jehovah's Witnesses are important are themselves. Everyone else figured out "The Truth" a long time ago!

    They aren't even important enough to get on Oprah as good or bad, religion or cult. They don't look as whacko as the Scientologists and they don't have breakaway polygamy sects. They have been preaching over a billion hours a year and people still don't know hardly anything about their teachings. People see two guys in white shirts with black ties riding bicycles and they think that's the JW's. People assume JW's do not believe in Jesus.

    In America, the Mormons get a 4-hour documentary on PBS. The JW's get an independent filmmaker to produce a two-hour documentary that got less play. The Mormon documentary is available for free and quick to find with a google search- http://www.pbs.org/mormons/view/ All you can do to watch the latest JW documentary (KNOCKING) on the internet is settle for a handful of clips.



    That reminds me of a funny story..

    2 JW Ladys come to my door..I mention the JW pedophile problem..

    They tell me all large religions like Catholics and Jehovah`s Witness`s..

    Have Pedophile Problems..

    There are 1 Billion Catholics..

    Only 6 &1/2 Million Jehovah`s Witness`s..LOL!!

    I was totally entertained by how large they thought thier religion was..

    Even more entertained for them to say,the JW pedophile problem..

    Was as big as the Catholics..LOL!!


  • Twitch

    Yea, just another twig on the Christian tree, nobody really.

    The only reason they're known at all is because of banging on people's doors. They'd be invisible otherwise.

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    : Yea, just another twig on the Christian tree

    More like a weird fungus growing down at the bottom....

  • cantleave

    Fascinating. I never really considered how insignificant they are before. It has always been so important an aspect to my life that it never dawned on me that noone else really gave a f*ck. Wow what a revelation........................... sh*t I really have wated my life......bugg*r!

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