JWs--A Religion No One Really Cares About

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    They have had this over-inflated view of themselves at least since the time of Ratherfraud.

    Do you remember statements like "and the Resolution adopted at the umpteenth assembly at fu**ing Cedar Point Ohio was a HAMMER BLOW to the nations "

    WHAAAAAAATTTTT !!!!!!! The nations didn't even know the bloody Bible Students existed, let alone care about any assembly held in the middle of Bumblefuck, or what was said there.

    Rutherford always liked to make out there was a conspiracy to do away with the WT, and yet Big J didn't allow the enemies to get away with it.

    This same mentality lives on, and yet the truth is that in the Grand Scheme of things the JW.s are less noticeable than a fart in a hurricane.



  • minimus

    Clearly, the Judge loved persecution and hated the gov't.

  • Finally-Free
    Do you remember statements like "and the Resolution adopted at the umpteenth assembly at fu**ing Cedar Point Ohio was a HAMMER BLOW to the nations "

    And these pathetic little diatribes were a fulfillment of prophesy too! Even as a believing JW I thought this was pretty fucked up.


  • leavingwt

    The Watchtower organization is merely a fart in the wind.

    Go up to someone on the street and ask them about JWs and they'll tell you two things: They knock on doors and they don't take blood transfusions.

    That's it. The sum of their existence.

  • minimus

    Translated: They're bothersome and stupid.

    The Watchtower organization is merely a fart in the wind.

    A Boil on the Buttocks of Christianity!..Moony 1


  • bluecanary

    Welcome, watersedge

  • sir82

    I like how every major event of the 20th century was somehow (in their minds) really tied to the JWs.

    World War I? That was Satan's attempt to draw attention away from "Christ's invisible enthronement". The 20 million or so casualties? Merely unfortunate collateral damage

    World War II? That was satan's "full frontal" attack to wipe out Jehovah's Witnesses. The 50 million + casualties, the 6 million dead Jews, the 4 million other holocaust victims? Just a slight distraction

    Man walking on the moon? Satan's attempt to draw people's attention away from the "life saving waters of truth", giving them false hope in science instead of God's Kingdom.

    Russian Revolution? Really a fulfillment of Dainiel, "King of the North", etc.

    Collapse of Soviet Union? Really a fulfillment of Daniel, "King of the North", etc. (Don't ask me how, but it's what they say)

  • minimus

    Man on the moon---science vs. The Kingdom.....I remember those articles portraying science as Devilish.

  • greenie

    I always love that false hope stuff. Let's see there's...

    • False hope in science
    • False hope in worldly governments
    • False hope in worldly organizations
    • False hope in pagan gods

    What else? You all would know better than me. But it always kills me when it's pointed out I'm having false hope in something.

    Me: "Wow! Man just landed on the moon!

    My JW: "So? You're putting false hope in science."

    Me: "No I'm not, I think it's cool they landed on the moon."

    JW: "Ummhmm, classic case of false hope in science."

    Me: "What does that even MEAN? They literally landed on the moon. That's cool. Not hopeful."

    JW: "Just as I said, false hope in science."

    Me: "ARGH."

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