Theodore Jaracz Update

by Japster 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Japster

    Latest news is that TJ is up and around but is living in a house on the Wallkill properties.

    He is being tended to by a group of the Societies doctors and nurses to make sure that he is continuing to improve.

    Shucks, guess he may be around giving orders for some time yet.


  • HappyDad

    When a rank and file Bethelite has serious health issues, they usually send him/her home after awhile. Where would they send Teddy?

    He gets the royal health care treatment and all the perks that go with it such as being tended around the clock.

    The rest of the peons can just die. After all, they believe that they will be ultimately rewarded in the resurection.

    I guess Teddy just doesn't want to leave yet!


  • yknot

    Coddling leaders past their physical and mental prime has a long tradition in the WTS......

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    There are many perks and privileges offered to GB members, its kind of like getting closer to god in some ways.

    I'm sure there some Brothers on the side lines wondering if Ted kicks off they might have a chance to join this illustrious group of individuals.

    Some could be thinking about standing behind him and popping an air filled paper bag. BANG

  • ssn587

    Let's hope he doesn't last too much longer, sounds mean I know, but him and his ilk have destroyed a lot of lives.

  • DaCheech

    many look forward to the day that they will be treated royally like him.

    let him be cripple for the next 40 years and in the meantime let the society run out of $$$$ to tend to him!

  • hamsterbait

    WHY OH WHY would any of the Chosen Annointed of God want to prolong their earthly life if they are so convinced they will be zapped straight to heaven and crowned as a King?


  • Athanasius

    Could be that Teddy doesn't really believe in the Watchtower's doctrinal system. Is it possible that he secretly believes in Hellfire and knows that that is where he will end up? Or does he really believe "that this life is all there is?"

  • dinah

    Ted, just die already. F*uck, you're going to heaven? Right?

  • freedomisntfree

    wow kinda like the pope and twice as crazy f^ck this guy......

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