just a few questions I don't want to ask directly hell

by Janey214 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluecanary

    Janey, I don't think I properly welcomed you in my previous post. My apologies.

    "Imperfection" is a red herring. JWs like to think the only reason anyone wants to leave their ranks is because they're horny and want to have sex or because they've had their wittle feelings hurt by "imperfect" leaders.

    What most of us take issue with are the teachings. For instance, I respect the belief that God is one person rather than a trinity. If that is important to you than definitely choose a religion that supports that teaching.

    What I take issue with is the idea that doctrines like the trinity, hellfire or immortality of the soul are the most important ones for a religion to get right. Jesus said the two most important commands were to love God and love your neighbor. JWs cling to doctrines and practices that are in direct opposition to these commands (blood doctrine, alternative service, etc), ergo they cannot have God's approval, regardless of whether they have God's singular nature correct.

    That's just my two cents.

  • digderidoo

    Now that's interesting digderidoo, so they do set themselves up as prophets? Do they provide evidence then or at least stories of prophetic visions? What they are? How they experience them etc?

    Janey they made their prophecies through readin the book of Daniel and Revelations, they applied these to Matthew and Lukes account of the last days, and confirmed it with measurements of Egypt's great pyramid. They also applied a few single scriptures to rhese books and came up with dates, it wasn't a case of having a prophetic vision, it was through study of the bible and applying it to calculations and measurements of the Greta Pyramid in Egypt.

    Here are a few examples of their prophecies,

    1874 "Prophecy can not be understood until it has been fulfilled or is in the course of fulfillment. From 1874 to 1914 the prophecy concerning the Lord's coming was being fulfilled and could be understood, and was understood, by those who were faithful to the Lord and who were watching the development of events, but not by others." {CREA 290}

    1874 "Applying the same rule then, of a day for a year, 1335 days after 539 A.D. brings us to 1874 A.D. at which time, according to Biblical chronology, the Lord's second presence was due." {CREA 298} [the day for a year basis is a technique used in Astrology known as Progressions]

    1874 "The Scriptural proof is that the second presence of the Lord Jesus Christ began in 1874 A.D." {PROP 65}

    1914 "The prophecy of the Bible, fully supported by the physical facts in fulfilment thereof, shows that the second coming of Christ dates from the fall of the year 1914." {WHAT} [written in 1932: see next quotation] 1914 "In the year 1943 the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society published the book 'The Truth Shall Make You Free.' In its chapter 11, entitled 'The Count of the Time,' it did away with the insertion of 100 years into the period of the Judges and went according to the oldest and most authentic reading of Acts 13:20, and accepted the spell-out numbers of the Hebrew Scriptures. This moved forward the end of six thousand years of man's existence into the decade of the 1970's. Naturally this did away with the year 1874 C.E. as the date of return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the beginning of his invisible presence or parousia." {GKTY 209} [Claim that 'parousia' change from 1874 to 1914 came only in 1943, not in 1932 in WHAT, when the WTBTS completed a new chronological system, which included moving Jerusalem's destruction from 606 B.C. to 607 B.C.E. to keep the 1914 date while finally accounting for the non-existing zero year. Also see HIS2 133] 1914 "True, it is expecting great things to claim, as we do, that within the coming twenty-six years all present governments will be overthrown and dissolved.. In view of this strong bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished at the end of A.D. 1914 .." {TIAH 1908 ed 98-9} 1914-8 ".. the years 1914 and 1918 are specially marked dates with reference to his coming." {CREA 289/310} 1915 "we consider it an established truth, that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the kingdom of God will be accomplished by A.D. 1915. At that time the prayer of the church, ever since her Lord took his departure, - 'Thy kingdom come' - will be answered; and under its wise and just administration, the whole earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord" {TIAH 1915 ed 99} [Original contains '1914' instead of '1915'] 1918 "The parallel, therefore, would establish definitely that the harvest would close forty years thereafter; to wit, in the spring of A.D. 1918. If this is true, and the evidence is very conclusive that it is true, then we have only a few months in which to labor before the great night settles down when no man can work." {WR Oct 1 1917 6149} 1918 "We have no doubt whatever in regard to the chronology relating to the dates of .. 1918, .. It was on this line of reckoning that the dates .. 1918 were located; and the Lord has placed the stamp of his seal upon .. 1918 beyond any possibility of erasure. What further evidence do we need?" {WT May 15 1922 150} 1924-5 "After 1925 expect shortly Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.. No doubt many boys and girls who read this book will live to see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Daniel, and those other men of old come forth in the glory of their better resurrection, of perfect in mind and body. It will not take long for Christ to appoint them to their post of honor and authority as his earthly representatives. The world and all the present conveniences will seen strange to them at first, but they will soon become accustomed to the new methods. They may have some amusing experiences at first; for they never saw telephones, radios, automobiles, electric lights, aeroplanes, steam engines, and many other things so familiar to us." {TWTP 224-6} 1925 "The great Pyramid of Egypt, standing as a silent and manimate witness of the Lord, is a messenger; and its testimony speaks with great eloquence concerning the devine plan (Isaiah 19:19).. Arius .. Waldo .. John Wycliffe .. Martin Luther [were all] part of God's Organization." {WT May 15 1925 148-9} Hope it helps in whatever you are looking for. Paul

    hi Janey
    sorry I thought your study was further along so you would know more on our basics......Reniaa



    Since when have you understood the basics of being a Jehovah`s Witness??

    You have publicly admited to not following the WBT$..

    If you do`nt follow the WBT$..

    There is not a Jehovah`s Witness on the planet,that will accept you as an equal..

    If you followed WBT$ instruction,you would not be a member of this board..

    Janey214 seems like a smart girl......

    I doubt it will take her long to figure you out..




    More Road Apples from Reniaa.. .......................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    marking this Topic for future reference, good discussion between Janey and Reniaa, etc.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    The most recent history published by Jehovah's Witnesses about themselves and how their work fits into the stream of time is called "Jehovah's Witnesses: Proclaimers of God's Kingdom" and is ©1993.

    There is also the earlier "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose" © 1959.

  • ldrnomo


    You mentioned that you didn't think the witnesses were any more of a cult that any other religion. This is a common misperception amongst many but know this.

    If you become a baptized witness, and you make friends and other family members become witnesses you can not quit if you later disagree with any of their teachings.



    The blood issue


    If you change your mind at any time after you are baptized you can't just quit and keep your family and friends. YOU WILL BE SHUNNED BY OTHERS OR IN WHAT AN ELDER TOLD ME, YOU WILL BE CONSIDERED DEAD BY MEMBERS OF THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.

    It's sort of like the Mafia, you can join but you can't quit or your dead.

  • DaCheech


    the watchtower picks and chooses when:

    -->when something is symbolic and when its not (bible scriptures)

    --> when to listen to the mosaic law and when not to!

    --> when a prophecy partain to them and when it doesn't (they are masters of self-glorification and all-religion-villinization)

    they have an answer for anything (professing that you UST listen to them, at the same time avoiding the title of PROPHET)

    before you know it, they rule every aspect of your life

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    but true principled love such as they teach and practice is the best thing to overcome addictive behaviours and actually treat human beings and other living things with the respect that the Bible itself teaches. Harmony and peaceful relationships then become, not only possible, but enjoyable.

    It is well that you have such respect all ready as your first post shows. May Jehovah bless you so that you may always keep this respect, regardless of the taunting posters and other challenges you will face in life.

  • Janey214

    Right first of all may I say thank you for ALL your input so far to everyone. And also thank you for your compliments!

    I'm so conscious of the post ration on this site, so now I'm going to get a jolt of caffeine and then be right back to start into a rather lengthy post. Sorry!

    Black Sheep posted a copy of an article from an early Watchtower. From this and what I know so far about CT Russell and the way it all started, I would think that the WTS has it's origins in sincere Christian thought. It is very much my belief the the churches I see around me do not adhere to Bible truths and this worries me immensely just from reading the Bible. This study with the witnesses is just one aspect of me 'testing my faith' as it were. :-)

    Now Reniaa, in one of your posts you pointed to Acts 15:20 and 29. I do see your point and apologize for my omission. However I will add that there are other Christian churches that teach that meat / blood should be avoided unless necessary.

    1 Corinthians 13:8

    Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

    The time for these things to happen seem to be have been with the appostles and then they went out of the season for them happening.

    I have to ask this question, why do spiritual gifts 'seem to have ended with the apostles'. Many many many churches would disagree with you on this point! You say they 'seem' to have ended, does the WTs have a clear revelation/prophecy/mandate to state that they have ended? I apologise but you seem to be ignoring the next two verses of 1 Corinthians 13:

    8 Charity never a faileth : but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

    9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

    10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

    I must point out that I'm not attacking you in anyway, but surely in verse 10 it refers to the Second Coming or the end of the world? Obviously at this point Jesus had already been to earth, had already died and been resurrected and returned to God, so Paul was saying that these things would be finished at some future event that he called 'perfect'.

    Reniaa also said

    As for the healing well unfortunately I think we must look to history testifying against it continuing and ending like the others did. I think it would have been noticed if christians could heal during wars and plagues throughout the centuries.

    Now again please don't think I'm attacking I'm just trying to get a better understanding of what you're saying. If the WTs is seeking to restore the 'primitive church', then surely healings and gifts of the spirit would've been restored to the earth. Now this is entirely suppostion on my part, but what if, like Noah, at all the stages through the earth's 'apostasy' that the WT teaches, what if there had still been one or two good men who continued the same practices? I personally don't believe that any healer, even the early apostles, could've done anything if it was not with the will of God. So for example when Christ raised Lazarus, to me that is because the reason that God allowed Lazarus to die was so that Jesus could show His power on the earth. If it was actually the apointed time of his death then he wouldn't have been raised.

    My personal feelings are somewhat close to yours in regards to the tele-evangelists who seem to be out to make a profit rather than anything else, however I don't believe that we can discount healings that have occured for no apparent reason other than because of the prayer and faith of individuals and congregations. I do think you're correct that the gifts are not a testimony of faith, but I would argue that since the Bible teaches us about spiritual gifts then we should not seek for them, but we should be willing to use them. If that makes sense. (!) sorry need another jolt of caffeine I think - feeling really fuggy!

    I believe Russell was a man who recognised the truth of god's word and got blessed because of it

    Does this mean that this can be done by any individual? Doesn't this then negate the need for an organization to decide on doctrine? Isn't that what James 1:5 directs us to do:

    5 a If any of you lack b wisdom , let him ask of God, that c giveth to all men liberally, and d upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

    Again, I must reiterate that I'm not attacking. I'm trying to come to a better understanding of exactly what CT Russell set out to do, and what the WT now does.

    You asked me to ask my visiting witnesses, and unfortunately I've been asking them many questions for many many months and they keep saying they'll have to look them up, or ask the brothers in the KH, but then they never get back to me with an answer. It is frustrating! I thank you Reniaa for your time :-)

    Onthewayout - don't get me started on arguments about the canon of scripture! This is one thing that seems to have stumped my visiting witnesses. They were very clear and produced various printouts that the reason they only accept the current canon is because they only accept books into the Bible that are in the Bible! It was a chicken and egg situation. Don't tell me that every book in the canon references another book in the canon. I then asked them the question about these books:

    Book of Enoch – Jude 1:14

    Book of Jasher – Joshua 10:10

    Book of the Acts of Solomon – 1 Kings 11:41

    Book of the Covenant – Exodus 24:7

    Book of the Wars of the Lord – Numbers 21:14

    Book of Samuel the Seer – 1 Chronicles 29:29

    Book of Nathan the Prophet – 2 Chronicles 9:29

    Book of Shemaiah the Prophet – 2 Chronicles 12:15

    Third Epistle to the Corinthians – 1 Corinthians 5:9

    Epistle from Laodicea – Colossians 4:16

    Now I know that certain of these so called apocrypha have been recorded in part in recent decades in things like the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi codices. I don't believe for one second that God has protected any canon from the work of man at all. If He had then there would be ONE canon, ONE Bible. Everyone I speak with seems to discount the fact that Bible means library. I don't just mean JWs, I mean everyone who seems to have an opinion about the idea of a closed canon. From all my research and understanding I don't believe it's possible that the canon is closed. I don't see any scriptural evidence to suggest that, and if it truly was then why have we been hung out to dry? :-S

    Sorry, small rant over :-)

    Onthewayout said

    their literature says that they are the ones dispensing truth in the last days with the assignment to spread the warning. Proof is supposed to be in that they are the only ones doing it, they are the only ones with love among themselves, they are the only ones who recognize the time we live in, YADDA YADDA.

    I really have to just say here that if that is WT is teaching then they are very shortsighted. Where is the proof of their 'assignment' from God? It comes back to my same questions about whether they are indeed saying they have received 'prophecy' and if so, how? There are plenty of other churches and faiths within christendom that fit the same model. I would challenge anyone to provide me with a list of what WT says they are doing that is so unique to them? This is where I get so very frustrated with the WT. I cannot believe in any way, shape or form, that God would allow genuine seekers, genuine Bible believing people to be annihalated because they don't belong to WT. I should equally point out that I don't believe that we can all do whatever we want and still get to heaven!

    You also made the point that they use the idea of faithful and discreet slave from Matthew. Isn't this really just about our stewardship? For example the following references:

    Gen. 26: 5

    Abraham . . . kept my charge.

    Ex. 6: 13

    Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, and gave them a charge.

    Num. 4: 4

    This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath.

    Num. 27: 23

    laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge.

    Matt. 20: 8

    lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward.

    Matt. 21: 33

    let it out to husbandmen.

    Matt. 25: 21

    I will make thee ruler over many things.

    Luke 12: 42

    ( Matt. 24: 45 ) Who then is that faithful and wise steward.

    Luke 12: 48

    unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.

    Luke 16: 2

    give an account of thy stewardship.

    Luke 19: 17

    thou hast been faithful in a very little.

    1 Cor. 4: 2

    required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

    1 Pet. 4: 10

    minister the same one to another, as good stewards.

    Now forgive me, but isn't the theme here saying that EACH of us is charged with being good stewards. That we should all do all we can to prepare for the return of Christ? That it is our duty to discover the truth? That we must be wise and faithful to Him? I doubt that any of us in any faith will have a decent excuse before God on Judgement Day if we say, "well I didn't look into other churches because I believed {church name or person} was infallible".

    Bluecanary - thankyou for the welcome mat! You said

    What I take issue with is the idea that doctrines like the trinity, hellfire or immortality of the soul are the most important ones for a religion to get right. Jesus said the two most important commands were to love God and love your neighbor. JWs cling to doctrines and practices that are in direct opposition to these commands (blood doctrine, alternative service, etc), ergo they cannot have God's approval, regardless of whether they have God's singular nature correct.

    I agree with you that ultimately it is the teachings of Christ that we must follow. And I should note here that I think in regards to hell and immortality of the soul from what I've read so far with my visiting JWs, I really think they've spun off on a tangent. I can't qualify their argument with basic Bible study. If the soul is not immortal what exactly did Jesus do when we are told he went to teach the spirits in prison? That alone, aside from other references, is enough to convince me that either their interpretation of the Bible is incorrect, or the Bible is incorrect. I'm not sure that WT would agree with either position, but both cannot be right. This again comes back to my question that if WT say they are prophets restoring truths, then why do they accept the Bible as infallible? It's starting to make even less sense to me now than it did when I first started with them.

    digderidoo you said the following

    Janey they made their prophecies through readin the book of Daniel and Revelations, they applied these to Matthew and Lukes account of the last days, and confirmed it with measurements of Egypt's great pyramid. They also applied a few single scriptures to rhese books and came up with dates, it wasn't a case of having a prophetic vision, it was through study of the bible and applying it to calculations and measurements of the Greta Pyramid in Egypt.

    Now forgive me again please, but they are not prophecies in my opinion. Prophecies to me are about direct communication from the almighty to a man or men on the earth revealing His will. Simply applying some random method of study or maths to written words or even to non-christian structures, well that's not prophecy. I take enormous exception with your quote from WT that no prophecy can be understood before it was fulfilled, if that's the case then what's the point! THat sounds to me like someone having a random tarot reading and then discovering several years later that their mom or dad has died and they had a card saying someone close to them will die. It's not prophecy it's random events that people can read how they want. True prophecy is definate, such as the details revealed about the birth of Christ in the OT.

    Your point about the return of the OT patriarchs is something else that doesn't fit for me. Surely these men will be 'exalted' and 'highly regarded' and in WT teaching it would make sense for them to be part of the 144,000, but of course that isn't what they teach. There are some teachings of other churches that believe some of this ancient patriarchs have returned to the earth periodically through the centuries . Your final quote about leaders of the reformation etc I would say that yes, they probably had some light of Christ with them, and possibly struggled because of the limited knowledge that they had to restore anything like the primitive church. It is easier now we have evidences from the likes of the people of Qumran ( Dead Sea Scrolls) and obviously the Internet!

    Ldrnomo, I have to say that in regards to Bible teachings there is some evidence to suggest that people who turn away from the gospel should be 'cut off'. Now I have to admit I have no experience of how this works in practice in most churches although I do understand how some approach it. I think there has to be an element of tact involved. For example if yoru brother and sister is excommunicated then it is probably prudent that you dont' spend time with them when they are engaging in spiritually draining activities, but then it is equally important to be a good example and to assure them of your love. I'm not sure what the WT psoition is on this but I have heard of many horror stories about families cutting people off entirely. I have a friend who is married to a JW although she is not, he is ex'd, but his mother is one of the 'anointed' (albeit she lives in Jamaica), but then they do spend as much time with each other as is possible. As I said, I don't know the teachings of WT on this subject well enough.

    Dacheech you said

    -->when something is symbolic and when its not (bible scriptures)

    --> when to listen to the mosaic law and when not to!

    Could you or anyone else give me some scriptural examples of these contradictions?

    To SpikeTassel and other wellwishers thank you!

    I think I'm about done now, I've been at this for about an hour!

    Thanks in advance


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