Are You Still Thrilled With President Obama?

by minimus 145 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Would you vote for me? Maybe we can work something out here. See if I can get you an upgrade on that Ferrari. Of course when I get into office, I will immediately ban gasoline.....................

  • beksbks

    Wake up Gregor you're hallucinating again.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Bring back the glory days of George W. Bush! I remember one of his speeches where he famously said and I quote: "Ummm errrrr well I....thing is.....if you look.......hmmmm.....{swigs from hip flask}......ummm errrrr!

  • snowbird

    ROFL @ WOO7!


  • JWoods
    See if I can get you an upgrade on that Ferrari. Of course when I get into office, I will immediately ban gasoline.....................

    I suspected as much. BTW, it is a 1986 with only 25,000 miles and thus is not qualified (23 years old) for the $4,500 that the administration offers me to crush it and drive home in a Prius.

    The Rolls Royce would, though - (I believe) as it is a 1995.

    Think that would get me a spot on the Rachel Maddow show? I think she is kind of cute even if she does suffer from a hormonal condition.

  • sammielee24

    One of the things that I am sure of, is that the challenges facing a BLACK President in this country, far exceed those facing a WHITE President. Obama has had over 33,000 death threats against him according to various reports - a number that surpasses any other President. There have been plots in about 8 States against him with people now in jail for having set those up - it goes on daily. This President has put himself, his wife and his children, in a dangerous position in order to acheive some goals/changes that he made abundantly clear in his run for the Presidency - healthcare reform, energy, Iraq and education. He is working on all of those.

    When I hear talk show hosts fuel rage and anger - threatening that 'you will see pitchforks and torches' if Obama passes something; when you have people at town hall meetings screaming down a Jewish man and his story by waving a poster of a Nazi Obama in their face, when you spread stories of Death Panels beside a picture of Obama as Hitler and cite Death camps; when men bring guns to a meeting on healthcare and then tell you 'it's because I can'...when an angry man tells you he's proud to be a right wing terrorist...when right wing fundamentalists applaud the murder of an abortion doctor inside a church.....I'd say the ugliness of what is America has reared it's head and for all of that intimidation, I applaud Obama for continuing on course.


  • undercover

    He's proving to be the "well spoken" ("where's the teleprompter?") empty suit I thought he was.

    I've heard quite a few comments about the Obamaprompter. I guess it's fair to question why he needs it.

    But for me, I'm just glad we've got a president who knows how to read, so that he can appear to be "well spoken" instead of a bumbling idiot that hasn't quite grasped the English language yet.

    I'll leave it to all you right wingers and left wingers to solve all the other problems...

  • snowbird
    One of the things that I am sure of, is that the challenges facing a BLACK President in this country, far exceed those facing a WHITE President.

    Thank you for saying that. Were I the one who'd said it, I'd have been accused of being racist.

    I'd say the ugliness of what is America has reared it's head and for all of that intimidation, I applaud Obama for continuing on course.

    I witnessed and was the brunt of similar stuff during the Civil Rights struggle. Honey child, I submit that you haven't seen anything yet!


  • beksbks
    I think she is kind of cute even if she does suffer from a hormonal condition.

    She's hot and you know it! She's also a Rhodes scholar with a Doctorate in Poli Sci.

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    What exactly has he done?

    • Instead of submitting bills to Congress, he passes them off to be written by Congress with only vague White House input:
      • Stimulus
      • Clunkers
      • Health Care (In '93, Hillary submitted a complete bill to Congress.)
    • Instead of doing his own job, he has hired 32 “czars” to do it for him.

    Having him going around the world, hat in hand, saying “Gee, I’m sorry ‘Merka is such an evil nation” does nothing to instill confidence.

    Where is his leadership?

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