TED JARACZ' stroke, latest from Bethel heavy.

by yesidid 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208
    Are we actually talking about a HUMAN BEING??

    No, we're talking about Ted Jaracz... I hope it hurts Ted! I hope it HUUUURRRRRTS like hell!!!

  • RubaDub
    So he lost use of his right side.

    Then maybe he'll be moving more to the left.

    Rub a Dub

  • JWoods
    Ther is agreat glee in this thread.
    Are we actually talking about a HUMAN BEING??

    I asked the same thing when this board absolutely went into spasms of pleasure upon hearing of the death of former White House press secretary Tony Snow.

    I will tell you this - back when Betty Dunlap was still able to live on her own, she once told me that she actually thought that Jaracz was one of the better people in power in the days of ousting Ray Franz and her husband Ed Dunlap. Maybe just because I think they both came from Australia, though?

  • Goshawk

    Having attended to and watch my grandfather slowly die from a progressing stroke I would not wish that kind of pain and misery on anyone.

    The people who suffer a stroke and survive for a month generally pull through, although there is a greater risk of another incident.

  • purplesofa


  • PSacramento

    Jesus taught us to love, if we call ourselves christians then we shoudl love, even more so when someone may not deserve it.

    Its not our place to judge others, though we may certainly critique their actions.

    Feel sorry for the man and pray for him, forgive him as best we can if he has wronged us or others, but take no pleasure in the pain of others, that is not what our Lord taught us.

  • BluesBrother

    There are some very aggressive comments in this thread. I know that T J was the Governing Body member with the worst reputation.. I saw him on the BBC Panorama show giving the brush off to the reporters......but he is still human.

    If we wish him harm, we are no better that what we accuse him of being..

  • sir82

    One has to wonder though, with all that time spent lying still, recuperating from a stroke, little to do except think....does he have doubts? regrets? Does he view it as a punishment from God, or just "time and unforeseen occurence", or maybe he thinks God spared him because he has more work to do, just like Hezekiah?

  • undercover
    Feel sorry for the man and pray for him, forgive him as best we can if he has wronged us or others, but take no pleasure in the pain of others, that is not what our Lord taught us.

    Fuck that shit

    Thanks to him and his ilk, people have died, others have suffered when they didn't have to. I've tried to not say too much about him, but I'll be goddamned if I feel sorry for the bastard.

  • PSacramento


    Don't measure your words, tell us how you really feel !

    LOL !

    Believe me, I understand your sentiments, we just have to better, that's all, more GRACE FULL :)

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