Debunking the WTS view of apostasy

by Awakened at Gilead 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Just created a new video that uses the Bible to show how JW's claims about apostates lack biblical basis.

    Your comments are welcome.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Well stated, clear, and accurate.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I will have to watch it later, but thanks for posting.

  • ldrnomo

    Bravo, Great job.

    Name calling has been around for centuries it's too bad so many are deceived by it.


  • Balsam

    Wow outstanding arguement, thanks for that I'll share it around. Looks like you've got a few others I need to listen too. Good challenge to WTS reasoning.


  • Tuesday

    I really liked this video, commented and favorited!!!

  • reniaa

    hi awakenned

    I just watched your video the implication that apostasy refers only to Jews by you I think is misleading since the use of it to show christians will have to deal with apostasy even though it is only once blows that argument out of the water. As well as a fact that it would be like saying

    John is a liar

    Peter lies but he isn't a liar because he isn't John.

    Apostasy is a term to apply an action like lying is so cannot be limited to one group or person by implication so apostasy can be applied to anyone that apostasises like lying can be applied to anyone that lies.


  • isaacaustin

    You missed the whole point Reniaa...or chose to miss it. The WT claims that the Bible speaks very strongly of those who apostatiize from the JW religion. @G sgowed that the OT verses all speak of apostatizing from Judiaism. There are 2 NT verses containing that word. Acts 21 speaks of apostasy from the Law. The speaks of apostsy but according to the WT interpretation of that verse, this is the supposed great apostasy that occurred after the death of the apostles...this being the case it could not possibly be referring to apostasy from the WT since that did not come into being until the late 1800's- Russell supposedly fixing, restoring the 'grand truths' muddied from that suppposed great apostasy.

  • reniaa

    Hi isaac

    You like gilead are limiting apostasy deliberately to not include witnesses saying people are apostates to their religion but then christendom throughout the centuries uses apostasy for people that do not conform to trinitarian doctrine of a triune god.

    it simply means withdrawing with regards to your religion putting yourself in opposition to it in origin and apostate is an adjective of someone who does this. You and gilead are trying to make a universal word into one that can only be applied to jews.

    What you are really saying is nothing to do with the word apostasy but instead saying Jehovah's witness aren't God's people therefore you cannot be apostates to them but this is not really applying apostate at all but poisoning there basis for having apostates and so another subject. Jw's would argue trinitarians were the original apostates putting thier triune God above the bible and Jw's are just returning to being followers of YHWH and his son accurately as the first century christians did.


  • besty

    My mum apostasized from the religion of her birth to become a Jehovah's Witness.

    She is now shunning me for exercising the same freedom she enjoyed.

    Can you spell d-o-u-b-l-e-s-t-a-n-d-a-r-d-s

    EDIT - sorry forgot to mention: double standards are OK when you have a voice from outer space in your head that says he is God and you are his chosen one to represent him on earth. You have a free hand then to exercise as many double standards as you like. Many have done just that over the millenia and many will continue - JWs are but one sad little example.

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