Wife is making the teenage stepson start a bible study today....PLEASE HELP!!!

by insearchoftruth 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ablebodiedman
    Any idea what other kind of information I can share with him that will keep him thinking clearly.

    Download, print out and share these two newsletters with him.

    It will prepare him to ask the right questions and even make your wife do some real thinking:

    here are the links:



    You could also print out a couple of hundred double sided copies and share them with your friends, relatives, neighbours, workmates and maybe still have a few left to stick under windsheild wipers at the next District Convention.




    It`s your wife`s kid ..Interfere with a bible study and expect all hell to break loose....Don`t do it!.....You can still tell him your side of things...................................OUTLAW

  • MissingLink

    Question everything! If he's clever, he can try and help his study conductor see the real "truth". At the very least, if he asks too many hard questions and brings in outside materia - he'll be dumped.

  • sinis

    I have to ask, WHY ARE YOU EVEN PLAYING THIS GAME???? Grow some balls and just tell your wife no, HE IS NOT GOING TO STUDY!!! Cast off the JW's ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! Quit dicking around, you are causing yourself and your family MORE pain!!!!!!!

  • mdb
    You could also print out a couple of hundred double sided copies and share them with your friends, relatives, neighbours, workmates and maybe still have a few left to stick under windsheild wipers at the next District Convention.

    Tried that once. Did it for a couple weeks during a local KH's evening studies. Myself and a friend were confronted one evening by about 7 elders and asked to leave. They tried to belittle us because we weren't wearing appropriate clothing for ministering God's word (suit & ties). I told them that John the Baptist wore clothing made of camel's hair and ate locust. They didn't have too much to say about that, but still asked us to leave. Still a good idea since you don't know who you may deliver from the clutches of the WTS.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Make sure he knows how cults work.



    If he likes South Park, Super Best Friends may be helpful

    Watch these yourself first.



  • Black Sheep
  • jwfacts

    I would talk to him after each study and ask what he learnt and what he thought about it. Then show some interesting counter argument.

    I used to do that with my step daughter when the study conductor left. They rarely actually studied anything substantial and my daughter would usually be able to tell me why what was studied was illogical anyway.

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