Wife is making the teenage stepson start a bible study today....PLEASE HELP!!!

by insearchoftruth 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • insearchoftruth

    He brought it upon himself due to many issues, but she (well I truly am guessing the dubette she is studying with) has decided that the best way for him to start to behave is to get closer to Jehovah. He has already told me that it will most likely cause him to just get worse because he doesn't 'believe in all that crap'.

    I am not going to be able to study with him, I know she and the dubs would not allow that, don't think I am labeled apostate, but am sure I am not far from it.

    I have shown him articles on why kids should not go to college in 1975 cause the end is so close, he thought that was pretty funny...am also going to show him in the copy of YPA that the sister so kindly provided him the stuff on pages 254 and 255 why he should not kiss or hold hands til he thinks he has his marriage mate...

    Any idea what other kind of information I can share with him that will keep him thinking clearly. He is taking a history course this summer, I am hoping they talk about 586/7 in the book, I may need to help him study for that test..........


  • blondie

    Any whiff of "persecution" only convinces jws and possible new jws that they are on the right track...the bible predicts that "true" Christians will be persecuted.

    I would just ask him about what he "learns" and why that might be true based on the Bible. I think since this is her son and legally you have no authority over him, that you cannot forbid this.

    Just be a friend and keep the communication open.


  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks Blondie, I appreciate the good advice.......he has already told me how much he is not looking forward to this. He also told me things like this is why he can't wait to move out.......

    I have tried to keep the communications open.....not easy with him at times.....

  • OnTheWayOut

    If it's a study of the Bible, he can ask that they use just the Bible. They will decline. They will say stuff like "there's a need for study aids because the Bible is not written according to subjects." Then he can frustrate them and ask that they let him come up with subjects and open their Bibles on those subjects instead of the WT literature. They will decline. He can tell them he would like to look up what other Biblical studies say about the "proof" scriptures they use, so he will take notes and use the internet and library and cover scriptures again the next week. They may let him do that, figuring he will tire of doing it and just start accepting what they say. They may decline and tell him to just stick with what they provide. He should decline in that case. Tell them it is a must.

    He can be totally honest and question everything. Isn't that what learning "the truth" is all about?

    You might try downloading CAPTIVES OF A CONCEPT for about 5 bucks from lulu.com and use suggestions there.

  • insearchoftruth
    You might try downloading CAPTIVES OF A CONCEPT for about 5 bucks from lulu.com and use suggestions there.

    Have it and a good idea.....I know with 99% certainty he will just be a sloth on this and show no enthusiasm, but I am trying to guard for the 1% that the guy makes some inroads with him.

    One of the things that keeps my stepson going is karate, is this still a 'no-no' to the JWs, he takes basic karate (just got green belt), jujitsu, ground fighting and is very interested in a sword class they have........before I found out he was going to have a study I did tell him at one time Karate was no good for a JW.

    This guy he is studying with is the husband of the sister my wife studies with, seems pretty judgemental to me. First time I met him he pretty much told me my government job is not in alinement with Jehovahs principles.....gag.

  • Heaven

    I'd recommend getting him the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey ( http://www.seancovey.com/books_7habits.html ).

  • blondie

    ISOT, he was wrong on that point. The WTS says that jws can hold government jobs as long as they aren't military or foreign policy.

    *** w90 11/1 pp. 20-21 par. 16 The Role of the Superior Authorities ***The fact that the superior authorities are God’s minister explains why Daniel, the three Hebrews, Nehemiah, and Mordecai were able to accept responsible positions in the Babylonian and Persian governments. They could thus appeal to the authority of the State for the good of God’s people. (Nehemiah 1:11; Esther 10:3; Daniel 2:48, 49; 6:1, 2) Today some Christians also work in government service. But since they are separate from the world, they do not join political parties, seek political office, or accept policy-making positions in political organizations.

  • insearchoftruth

    well I work for the Department of the Navy.......

    On this thread, how do the JWs get around Peter baptizing the Centurion in Acts...firstly a soldier is being baptized, secondly without going through a bunch of prerequisites....

  • blondie

    The WTS assumes that Cornelius left the military after being baptized!!!

    *** w74 6/1 pp. 342-343 What Prevents You from Getting Baptized? ***Even as the Gentile army officer Cornelius accepted Christianity and was baptized in the first century, so in this twentieth century a number of men of the military resigned from the armed forces so as to be able to get baptized, in keeping with Isaiah 2:4. One of these was a master sergeant who had only four more months of service before he could retire on a fine pension, another soldier after having served seventeen years, and another after having served twenty years resigned and was baptized.

    *** w86 9/1 p. 19 par. 11 Christian Neutrals in a Bloodstained World ***Some may ask, ‘What of Cornelius, the centurion, and Sergius Paulus, the army-backed proconsul in Cyprus? Were not these men associated with the military?’ Yes, at the time they accepted the Christian message. The Scriptures, though, do not tell us what Cornelius and others did after their conversion. No doubt Sergius Paulus, who was an intelligent man and "astounded at the teaching of Jehovah," would soon scrutinize his secular position in the light of his newfound faith and make a proper decision. Cornelius would have done likewise. (Acts 10:1, 2, 44-48; 13:7, 12) There is no record that the disciples told them what action they must take. They could see that from their own study of God’s Word.—Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:3.

    But then from the other side of their mouth the WTS says:

    *** w57 12/15 p. 756 pars. 28-29 Deliverance for Integrity Toward God ***What the centurion Cornelius did after that, whether he resigned from military service as a Roman centurion or not, the book of Acts of the Apostles does not state.

    Unquestionably, under the operation of God’s holy spirit Cornelius applied to his personal affairs and relationships the principles of Christianity which he discussed with Peter "for some days" after that. Cornelius was not a circumcised Jew, and, as a Roman centurion, he was not fighting theocratic warfare as Joshua the son of Nun and David the slayer of the giant Goliath did many centuries before that. (Josh. 10:1-11:23; 1 Sam. 17:4-54; 2 Sam. 8:6-14) Had Peter told Cornelius to resign, Peter might have been accused of obstructing the military program of the sixth head of the "wild beast," and might have been executed for that action instead of for preaching God’s message without compromise or letup. Likewise, if God’s written Word, particularly the so-called New Testament written by Christians under inspiration, had directly told dedicated Christians just what they should do when faced with the call to military service for the sixth and seventh heads of the symbolic wild beast, The Holy Bible would, without doubt, have been forbidden or proscribed in every land under the control of the "wild beast," particularly for its instructions on the military question.

  • insearchoftruth

    The WTS assumes that Cornelius left the military after being baptized!!!

    Now that is quite a reach......and what is amazing, if my wife were to read this in a WT or another 'Bible based publication' she would take it as the word of Jehovah.....

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