Michael Jackson is Dead!

by slimboyfat 216 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    RIP Michael.

    I hope you're finally at peace.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    The death of pop icon Michael Jackson is raising questions over what might have caused it.

    CHICAGO — The death of pop music icon Michael Jackson from cardiac arrest on Thursday has raised a host of questions about what might have caused it.

    It may take weeks before an autopsy can reveal the true circumstances that led the singer’s heart to stop.

    One possible cause reported by celebrity website TMZ.com is that he was injected with the potent painkiller Demerol before he went into cardiac arrest.

    Others speculate it was a combination of Demerol and Oxycontin, another powerful painkiller that is among the most commonly abused prescription drugs.

    Here are some facts about cardiac arrest and both these drugs.


    Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops circulating blood. In 80 percent of cases, the cause is heart disease, but narcotic painkillers like Demerol can cause cardiac arrest.

    Dr. Daniel Simon, chief of cardiology at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, said if Jackson had been injected with too much Demerol, it might have caused him to stop breathing, a condition called respiratory arrest.

    "The most likely scenario with Demerol would be that it caused a respiratory arrest because it takes away the drive to ventilate (breathe)," Simon said in a telephone interview.

    He said low blood oxygen can trigger a deadly heart rhythm known as ventricular fibrillation in which the heart quivers but does not circulate blood. "Without CPR and a defibrillator, you have no chance," Simon said.


    ABC News has reported that Jackson was addicted to prescription painkillers, and may have used Demerol in combination with Oxycontin.

    Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Bruce Lindsay, past president of the Heart Rhythm Society, said the two drugs in combination could cause respiratory arrest.

    "As with any of these painkillers, if you get too much on board, it really depresses the central nervous system so the patient could lapse into a deep sleep or even a coma. And if their respiratory capacity was too depressed, they would just stop breathing," Lindsay said.

    "If they stop breathing, eventually of course the heart will go into cardiac arrest, but not because of some primary heart problem. It is simply because the final mode of death is that the heart stops beating."


    Simon said many media outlets are looking for exotic reasons to explain the singer’s death because it occurred in a relatively young man, but age 50 is not too young for sudden cardiac arrest.

    "A lot of people are saying it’s a surprise a 50-year-old has cardiac arrest. Thirty percent of cardiac arrests are in people for whom it is their first symptom of heart disease," Simon said.

    "When they do an autopsy, the first thing the medical examiner will look for is a scar in the heart muscle suggesting an old heart attack," Simon said.

    He said 25 percent of patients who have cardiac arrest have had a prior heart attack without knowing it. "That is what the scar will tell them."

  • FlyingHighNow

    They compounded the doctor's car. The one who was with Michael when Michael went into distress.

  • JimmyPage

    The Beatles broke up before I was born. Elvis died when I was five. John Lennon died when I was eight. "Thriller" came out when I was ten. Michael Jackson was the most popular man on the planet. I saw it live when he moonwalked across the stage at the Apollo. I've tried to do it myself ever since then to very little success.

    I will say one good thing about growing up JW. I was raised not to be prejudiced. I grew up in the south. There was a white side of town and a black side. My dad, a white guy, conducted the book study in a black woman's house, where most of the attendees were black. I was and still am great friends with a black JW friend that I grew up with. He exposed me to a lot of rap and R&B that I probably wouldn't have heard otherwise.

    How popular was Michael? At school everyone wore those red "Beat It" style coats with all the zippers and the sleeves pushed up. I remember going over to a kid's house and he was wearing a single silver glove. Granted, he was considered "spiritually weak" but he was also a white guy with feathered blond hair. Jackson crossed over in so many ways.

    Then, as I got older, Michael just got weirder and weirder. Yes, I do believe he probably molested those children. But he's still the Elvis of my generation. His talent was undeniable. I haven't been a big fan of his for a while. But now a piece of my childhood truly has died.

  • BizzyBee
    I respectfully disagree with you, Bizzy

    Hypothetical question for you Heather: Would you have let your 8-year old son have a sleepover at Neverland? Just wondering......

  • FlyingHighNow

    I wouldn't let my kids have a sleep over with any celebrity.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Bizzy, I would be the parent telling Michael: Stop being naive, Michael. You're not a kid anymore and you can't carry on like a kid. If you're going to have kids as over night guests, set up a camp type deal with a couple of counselors, otherwise someday people will accuse you of child abuse, whether it's the public or it's a gold digging, disgruntled parent, one day you're going to get burned. Oh yeah and don't forget overly suspicious former JW's and any employees who get pissed off at you.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    I'd have to say I 'm on the side of those who say he was guilty of sexually playing around with young boys, for the following reasons.

    Firstly his first accusation where he settled out of court and got the accusing parties to hush up about the incident, he paid out 20 million $ US for this.

    I'm sorry I don't see how any one would not fight this accusation in court with all of his wealth to hire the best lawyers in the country and to save

    his reputation among his family and friends not to mention the general public, it just doesn't make sense or logic.

    Now the second accusation may have been trumped up by the people knowing that the first accusation paid off so well, but he paid out

    20 million or so anyways just to fight the case which he was acquitted, thanks to an army of the best lawyers in the land.

    Its apparent when certain people get so rich and so unconstrained in their every day life they start to believe they can do anything they want to

    certainly above what would be considered normal social behavior to the majority of us. Micheal Jackson fit that bill well, it was said that he was

    a millionaire who spent money like a billionaire wildly out of control at times , much like a kid in a candy store with a no limit spending spree.

    My guess is when he started into this physical training program to get him prepared for his up coming concert series, he may have experienced

    some difficult pain and might have taken more than the usual amount of pain killers which may have brought on the cardiac arrest.

  • BizzyBee

    Bizzy, I would be the parent telling Michael: Stop being naive, Michael. You're not a kid anymore and you can't carry on like a kid. If you're going to have kids as over night guests, set up a camp type deal with a couple of counselors, otherwise someday people will accuse you of child abuse, whether it's the public or it's a gold digging, disgruntled parent, one day you're going to get burned. Oh yeah and don't forget overly suspicious former JW's and any employees who get pissed off at you.

    Let's see: Jackson worst crime was being naive and trusting and being taken advantage of by greedy parents. Got it.

  • brinjen
    Let's see: Jackson worst crime was being naive and trusting and being taken advantage of by greedy parents. Got it.

    I think the whole point is there is no proof to say either way really. The pay-out doesn't prove his guilt anymore than it proves his innocence.

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