If The Organization Wants U 2 B Financially Insecure How Does It Help Them???

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The Organization teaches you to rely on Jehovah God. Don't worry about the anxieties of this system, just modestly care for the necessities in life. Don't plan for retirement. Don't save $$$$ for future nest egg. Don't go to college. They'd rather you scrape and barely get by then get a great paying job and career.

    Here's what I never understood: How does this ultimately help the Organization? Financially, if people barely make ends meet, they can't contribute to the "worldwide work" and the WBT$. Please explain to me the sense of this.

  • asilentone

    lets see, the watchtower would prefer us to be poor and to be slave to the WT, they think we would not leave the WT because we need the paradise in new system. When worldly people are wealthy, they have their own financial paradise, they are more likely to refuse the JW message. We have about 6 million JW worldwide, if each person donate $1 a month, how much do they get? $ 6 million!

  • minimus

    But if they $10 to give, how much would they have? That narrow mindedness doesn't help them in the long run.

  • snowbird

    Reverse psychology.


  • minimus

    Sylvia, that would be dumb and I know your kidding.

  • sir82

    Given the current economic situation, they may now be (finally) figuring that very point out!

    If history tells us anything, it's that these guys are not the sharpest tools in the shed.

    It will be interesting to see if the current screeds against higher education continue into the next decade.

  • bluecanary

    The GB doesn't spend as much money as other religious organizations do. They get free labor for everything and they don't spend money on charities. So I guess they get to keep more of what we give them.

  • snowbird

    No, I'm not kidding, Minimus.

    Don't you see many JW's doing the very opposite of what WT counsels?

    The WT is not stupid by a long shot.


  • bluecanary

    Gah! I said "we". You'd think after a year I'd be out of that habit.

  • YoursChelbie

    Excellent question! I have a number of theories:

    1.) If you have no material possessions, your supposed "spiritual bros and sis" will BE your whole life. Members who may want to leave would be less likely to do so if by so doing, they would lose everything they have left.

    2.) One poor but devoted pioneer (TM) can bring into the cult perhaps 3 or more "worldly converts" who will have enough money to donate to make up for the other RF who donate only their time, effort, and perhaps even their entire youth.

    3.) The actual cost of maintaing their buildings is done entirely by volunteers. The savings in labor costs to build or repair Kingdumb halls, etc is like money in the bank.

    4.) If there is a national disaster, the volunteers who do the hard work for the Regional Build Committee have to get owner of the home to sign an agreement. That agreement states that any insurance payment check will be signed over to “Worldwide Work.” >>> Ca$hinggg<<< free labor=money for the wts



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