The young ones are leaving in droves!!!

by 1914BS 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • skeeter1

    Sacred, thanks for your insight. I will try to use that lovingly. As I have with girlfriends who I knew were marrying the wrong man....I'd ask them...."Are you marrying because you love him, or becuase you're in love with the idea of being married?" I will ask these people, "Are you in love with all of the Jehovah's Witness teachings and beleifs, or are you in love with a system that provides an absolute and sometimes comforting answer to every life situation and an instant friendship circle based on your adherence to the rules?"


  • insearchoftruth

    skeeter1, great way to ask the question.....

  • DaCheech

    lets pray this is true.

    young ones also DO NOT contribute $$$$

  • shamus100

    My father told me that their CO said the same thing... and this is why they believe Armageddon is coming soon.


  • Nostromo

    Someone wrote: In my experience the yoof are just getting better at playing the game. They stay in name only to keep family and friends but have zero interest in "privileges", pioneering etc.

    I think this is definitely happening in my area. No new MS's coming up, most of the young guys could not care less.

  • Hittman

    In the sixties and seventies, when I grew up in the dubs, we didn't know what was going in the outside world. We weren't given any chances to have any outside friends. My only exposure to the outside world was via science fiction and music, and I had to sneak listening to the music.

    Now the whole outside world, all the good and the bad, is a mouse click away. Making friends in the real world is easy.

    I think the internet is going to be the eventual death of not just the JayDubs, but cults of all sorts. Once they see the big city it's hard to keep 'em down on the farm.

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