One of the Governing Body had a stroke yesterday

by AndersonsInfo 426 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    As someone who was affected by his position on silencing survivors of child molestation while allowing molesters to remain Brothers™ In Good Standing™, I have no sympathy for Theodore Jaracz. In fact, I hope he's as physically crippled by this stroke to the same extent that so many JW children have been psychologically crippled by his evil, insane, inhumane and criminal policies. I hope he is completely unaffected mentally, though, so he can KNOW how his body has betrayed him, the same way we have come to KNOW how his policies betrayed the innocents harmed by his policies.

    I don't believe in hell, but if anyone deserves to ROT in such a place, it's him.

  • AllTimeJeff


  • villabolo

    One of us should visit him at his deathbed and whisper something profound into his ears.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    So if TJ was the head honcho on the GB, who is the heir apparent? Loesch?

  • crazyblondeb

    After thinking about what scully said, this jerk has affected my life directly.

    I truly hope he's in misery right now.

  • Scully

    One of us should visit him at his deathbed and whisper something profound into his ears.

    The trouble is, there's just so many options here.....

    :: We know what you did, and now the whole world is going to know too.

    :: The IRS will be calling in a forensic accountant to audit the hell out of the WTS.

    :: We know that you know that the WTS is nothing but a huge scam. By the way, Splane is porking your wife. She seems to be enjoying herself.

    :: Don't look now, but there are maggots all over your bedsores. Don't worry, it's good for them. I read that in an Awake! a long time ago.

  • BonaFide

    To C.T. Russell and others. I guess I should give some background. My father was never a Witness, and of course I was raised being taught that he was worldly, and had worldly wisdom.

    I thought I needed a spiritual father figure. I didn't really get one as a young boy. When I was 19, I applied for Bethel and was rejected. Don't know why. Then, a year later, I was at a Kingdom Ministry School for elders and servants. Brother Jaracz was there, and he was talking about the new Ministerial Training School. I went up to him after and I asked about Gilead. He said, "MTS is the school for you." He seemed to me at the time genuninely interested in me and my "theocratic future." I was very motivated. I applied to MTS and was accepted. Then brother Jaracz came to our MTS class, and gave a couple of talks. I reminded him of his encouragement a couple of years previous, and he said, "Jehovah knows where to put us." He congratulated me on my having received a missionary assignment at such a young age and said that the future of younger missionaries rides on the reputation of current younger missionaries.

    It was a couple of years later while visiting Bethel from my assignment that he said hello to me by name in the Bethel hallway. I guess as a young person, and his GB status, I was very impressed.

    A few years later, I saw him again at a convention, I didn't have my badge on. He said, "Let's see, I know you are in Central America, I am trying to remember where." I was impressed again that he remembered me, and I talked about the growth in my assignment.

    Later, when I needed some medical attention in NY, I called his office all the way from my missionary assignment. I don't know why I did that, I spoke to his secretary, who put me on hold. Then he said he would call another office, but for me to call them tomorrow. My medical attention was approved, they paid for me get a ticket to NY, and a Bethel driver picked me up. They paid for everything, actually, all of YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS paid for everything. When I was recuperating, and I felt fine, I offered to work at Bethel while waiting to go back to my assignment. The office told me not to worry about it, just enjoy the time off for a month.

    So although I know he is responsible for so much suffering, I have learned a lot of his real personality lately. I was one of those who actually was treated well for the most part by the Society, at least as far as privileges were concerned. And personally by brother Jaracz as well, at least as far as I seemed to do well in my assignment.

    I really think he thought he was Jehovah's instrument on earth. He thought that all of the problems and complaining were going to be solved soon by Jehovah, so why worry now? Why make changes to the Organization now? Jehovah is behind everything. He was delusional I think.

    Anyway, that's why I said those things about him. I recognize the damage he has caused to so many, although not personally.


  • Scarred for life
  • BizzyBee

    Yesterday, a mote of dust broke its bonds from its temporary shelter on a rock or a leaf or a cow's behind (it is not known for sure) and floated, whirling on a gentle breeze that also caressed the cheek of an angry old woman who failed to appreciate how lovely, rare and warm are tender breezes. Our mote continued, unaware, on its merry journey, twirling and dipping, a captive of the capricious wind and happily so. Landing next on the back of a bus' tire, and on its stops along the way, little mote was soon smashed and so dislodged and ground into the road for many years. The rains came and went and finally a strong wind took the tiny mote once again on its journey, many miles from where it last rested, and it blew and blew through the atmosphere, stopping here and there, a million times or more. The universe nodded in approval, continued spinning and breathed another breath.

  • AndersonsInfo

    If anybody in the Writing Dept. had the answer as to why Teddy was removed from his position in Australia, they weren't saying. A few years back, I inquired of a former JW who was I think an attorney in the Australian Bethel for some time, but he didn't have the answer. I guess this secret was closely guarded. Maybe after he's dead, information will start to flow. I remembered something else about him that could or could not be true. I was told he was raised by three maiden aunts in the mid-west somewhere. I believe he has a niece or maybe it was a sister. I know he was was quite close to his wife's family in Western Canada.

    Did ya know that Sydlik wouldn't go to any social that included Teddy? I was told that if Teddy walked in, Sydlik walked out.

    I wonder how Nathan, Freddie, Karl Klein, Dan Sydlik, Henschel, Swingle, Booth, Barber, Schroeder, Gangas and Lloyd will get along with Teddy in heaven? Will they welcome him? What will they talk about? Will they continue GB meetings every Wednesday morning?

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