Does Roman Catholicism Teach The "Truth"?

by minimus 180 Replies latest jw friends

  • StAnn

    Oh, Yesidid~One thing I wanted to share with you. In my parish, one of my fellow parishioners is a defrocked priest who sexually abused a child 20 years ago. He was not only a priest but also a Canon lawyer. He was defrocked and stripped of his right to practice law, since his conduct was a felony. He has been given permission to actively participate in our parish because neither his victim nor the victim's family lives anywhere nearby. He is in the choir with me and sits on a committee with me.

    Much as I abhor his past conduct, I acknowledge that he is a sinner as am I and that no sin is too big for Our Lord. I have to accept that he is honestly repentent and has done his penance before God. It is my duty to show forgiveness as a Christian and accept him into my parish.

    Although I'm not so stupid as to leave him alone with my children, no matter how repentent he may be. He's still human and could fall again.

    St. Ann

  • mouthy

    You asked how come he is free ! He served six years, & then was released
    He was Irish so he went back to his land.
    He admitted he still gets turned on when he sees kids,in bathing suits,pretty girls,
    He masturbated MANY BOYS!!!I sat crying listening to it all.
    I too am a sinner .....but that is absolutly DEVILISH!!!!!! The Devil looks after his own...

  • beksbks

    Religion is a tool to control people. Has been since we could walk. It's power of some over others. Period. The Catholics happened to be some of the oldest, and worst. Religion is a snare and a racket. And the opium of the masses.

  • yesidid

    As you say Beks it's about power.

    We saw the inquisition when the Catholic Church had complete power.

    The WBTS has learned well from the Catholics, and, given the same power, I am tempted to think we might see someting similar.


  • minimus

    I've always been "turned off" by Catholicism. The adoration of the Pope borders on worship. I see JWs similar when they see a GB member and get all goosebumpy. When I was an active elder I used to sneak a peek at John Ankerberg and he did exposes' on many different groups like the Mormons, JWs and the RCC. And I think he spoke the truth about all these "cults".

  • mouthy

    John Ankerberg came to PA convention to interveiw us all.
    A really nice guy!! sure knows all about RELIGION!!!
    Well MIni.... You sure opened a can of worms when you started THIS post

  • minimus

    Good! I'm happy to expose religions that don't teach truth.

    I'm fascinated by the Bible Students groups too and know they might be zealous good persons but they too have not got the Truth.

  • StAnn

    Minimus, I kinda don't see that you exposed anything.

    Now, I believe that the Catholic Church is the church that Jesus started and I believe Jesus when he said that he would be with his Church until the end of time. I believe the Church started off in scandal, i.e., Judas betrayal and Peter's denial, and thus guess I shouldn't be surprised that there is still scandalous activity within the Church. However, the teachings of the Church are the same and are as Jesus and the Holy Spirit have given them to us and they have not been changed by the scandalous activity of some bad Catholics, of whom there are plenty. I believe that God works with us and through us, sinful though we may be.

    I certainly believe that the doctrines of the Church are true. I believe in the Bible.

    I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord, w ho was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.

    That is the Apostles' Creed, so called because it is rightly considered the be a faithful summary of the apostles' faith. I have the same faith as the apostles because they were with Jesus and were taught by Jesus and he left them in charge of his Church.

    I'm not going to argue with Jesus. I figure he knows what he's doing.

    St. Ann

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The greatest and most undeniable truth to date is that Minimus' last post is a palindromic number ...


  • StAnn

    yes, coco, quite a puzzle to me, too.

    St. Ann

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