Does Roman Catholicism Teach The "Truth"?

by minimus 180 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    Drwtsn, science is your religion.

    My religion is pastafarianism.

  • Amazing

    St. Ann,

    When I returned, I simply went to what they now call "Reconciliation" (Confession). I was baptized as a baby, and grew up in Catholic school, so RCIA was not necessary. Nothing had really changed since my last 'confession' decades earlier. The priest had been a priest since I was born ... he was utterly amazing and kind. He was very interested in my history and what brought me back to the Church.

    The road back to Rome started with refreshing myself on early Christian history, reading all of the early Fathers like St. Ignatius of Antioch, up through St. Polycarp and St. Irenaus. I then studied the Orthodox, and discovered so much more, and it helped me understand Roman Catholicism much better ... though I had been taught and 'raised' by Dominicans (known for being the teaching Wing of the Church along with the Franciscans). We can PM on the Orthodox if you are ever interested. But the main thing is that I learned where the other Holy Sees are, and which Apostles started them, and how they all function the same as Rome ... but Rome was simply accepted all that time as the senior Church, the older brother, the First among Equals. I spent about two years in such a study ... oddly enough, it all began with wanting to know more about the Holy Spirit.

    One day, Tom Cabeen (now a Catholic) told me he could see my Catholic roots showing in my writings and conversation, even though I was far from Rome. I was shocked, as I could not see how my style could expose my basic training. We talked as I completed my Holy Spirit project ... and before it was over, I talked to my local parish priest ... I had attended the Orthodox a few times, but could not take communion. So, right after my BRCI presentation, I went to Reconciliation, and then to Mass and received communion. It was awesome to be back where I started ... and I was very emotional about it during confession, which surprised me. Tom Cabeen was baptized later on that summer. He was interviewed on EWTN last year about this time. You can go back into the EWTN archives and get the interview.

    I enjoyed reading your history as to how you got into the Church ... and I appreciate you being in the faith.

    Yours in Christ, Pax Vobiscum

  • minimus

    Cellist, I appreciate your post. The examination of conscience seems familiar. Masturbation, porn, sterilization, abortion, horoscopes, New Age, doubting any teaching, premarital sex, grudges, partial drunkeness, etc......If you're guilty, you must go to the elders, I mean priests.

    The whole article is clear. Honestly, I think they're no better than the JWs except Catholics don't burn you to the stake any longer. And the fact that the RCC has KNOWN about pedo priests for so many years and did nothing to protect the children is an abomination. How many Catholics have confessed to sooooo many priests while the men of God were worse sinners? They disgust me and the fact is it wasn't just a mistake that slipped through the cracks.

  • mouthy

    Minimus, I'm not feeling well today

    ST ANNE!!!If you want to go to St Josephs Oratary( My Mother in law a Catholic
    used to pray on every step of the Shrine once a month)-hundreds of steps) You can pick up a bottle of HOLY WATER & rub it were ever your not feeling well. It only costs $25.00
    I asked the priest how it became Holy for sale.???? He said it was tap water but it had been blessed.
    I was Married in the faith.Because the Catholic Church said I would NOT be married in THEIR eyes
    ( as my hubby was Catholic) If I didnt, & because I was Pregnant I was FORCED to do so.
    I was aalso told I had to sign a paper to say all my kids would be Catholic....
    If that isnt " twisting your arm up your back" to MAKE you obey..what is???/TRADITION
    .. Sorry MY Jesus said HIS FLOCK
    comes WILLINGly!!!!!

    Sorry Amazing I love ya! But you know me I am direct....

  • minimus

    Mouthy, you're gonna make her keel over.

  • mouthy

    No that was NOT my intention...But I know what the Catholic Church done to me & mine

    My Husband used to go to the Church give them 3 bucks

    & get a three hundred $$ receipt for Income TAX.. Honesty??? ( we fought over that )
    Last night on "Agenda" I watched a documentary on the Catholic Church.
    Just as bad as the WT....

  • Amazing

    Mouthy, you need not apologize for being direct ... I will be just as direct, with a touch of sardonic humor ... hope you can take what you dish out ... as for Holy Water, it is wrong to sell it, and I have not seen it being sold in decades ... so, as a Catholic, I would not buy such stuff anyway. I would go inside the Church where it is free. But, while I agree with your objection ... it is only a small part of the Catholic faith. Why there is much worst stuff than that ... hell, let's look at the Inquisition for God's sake! Come on, if your going to gripe about Catholicism, let's go all the way back to St. Peter. He was the rascal who even denied Jesus Christ, lying about knowing him, and cursing against the allegation that he walked with Jesus. Judas betrayed Christ. And the Apostles as a group lost faith in a little storm on the Sea. What a bunch of terrible sinners!

    In fact, let's look at all the Christians in history ... why looking at these people, whether Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, or otherwise, they are all a bunch of thieving, lying, immoral hypocrites! Let's just condemn the whole damn Christian faith as being evil because of all these sinners ... and be done with it! No, you say, your Jesus invites all who are willing? ... well so does my Jesus ... my Jesus died for all these sinners, including Roman Catholics ... and you know what else? My Jesus even died for those evil Jehovah's Witnesses! Why how dare he do such a thing ... sinners ... who needs them anyway! I can find any pastor or member of any Church, whether denominational or independent, whether pastors or just members, and show you murders, pedophiles, thieves, adulterers, drug abusers, and so on! So a Priest was not nice to you ... hell some Priests were not nice to me, and I have some really juicy stories ... so what! Uhmmm. There, how is that for being direct!

    Judge, judge, judge, condemn, condemn, condemn ... yet Jesus said not to judge, that you (we) not be judged, for the measuring rod you (we) measure out to others, will be used to measure you (us)! I do not sit here and self-righteously pick apart anyone's faith, other than to discuss some of the issues about JWs, as that is the purpose of this forum ... and I have slowed down even in that department ... its time to realize that the problem is not with the Church, or the Christian faith ... it is about helping people ... and one can find no greater love than in many Churches where Christians of all stripes provide healing and love ... that is what I look for ... not the sins, but the good!

    Of course you will find plenty wrong with Catholicism ... as you will with any Church group if you take an honest look! What else is new?

    Minimus: Comparisons of the Watchtower to the Catholic Church are not credible and absurd. Reconciliation and confession to a Priest has nothing in common with JWs being in front of a Judicial Committee. Just as excommunication has nothing to do with disfellowshipping ... there is nothing similar about them. I don't care if you bash the Catholic Church ... have at it ... but at least do so with some level of knowledge and intellectual honesty ... study what you are talking about first so that you at least know what you are saying.

  • minimus

    Here we go again with intellectual honesty. Priests and elders ARE very similar. Don't you be "absurd".

    I think you changed the subject a bit with Mouthy's argument. (see your earlier thread about that).

    "Holy water" is still being sold. You should know that!

  • minimus

    Check you're supposed to know about what the Catholics promote, this might be a good thing to invest in.

  • Finally-Free
    "Holy water" is still being sold. You should know that!

    I'm not sure about that. The last church I went to had it freely available in the foyer. People just had to bring their own containers.


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