Do you hate America because it's where wts was born?

by rebel8 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Oh come now people. We have boatloads of people in this country who hate the entire Middle East because of some mentally ill fundamentalists. The concept is not farfetched.

    Lots of people make generalizations. I can think of some specific posts on this forum that do just that:

    "Americans ________(are all dumbasses, have no concept of European geography, etc., etc.)." [especially amusing coming from people who demand we know the subtle distinctions between each region in a tiny country while they still think I can see the Statue of Liberty from my porch]

    Blues, I’m a lady. (or a really good cross-dresser) Also, I see you inadvertently omitted Brittany Spears on your list. ;)

  • blondie

    Amazing, I don't know what I would do without your corrections.............

  • undercover
    We have boatloads of people in this country who hate the entire Middle East because of some mentally ill fundamentalists. The concept is not farfetched.

    You are right about that. I hear ignorant rants about Middle Easterners all the time.

    I just think it's ignorant to hate an entire country or peoples because of the action of some.

    As for the US and the WTS, I don't think enough people relate JWism enough with American lifesytles to associate hatred of the WTS with hatred to America.

  • oompa

    I just can't believe you guys!........WTS was actually started in Jerusalem nearly 2000 years ago....they just waited a bit to incorporate in the usa.....oompa

  • Mattieu

    Hi rebel8, I know exactly what you meant by your question and no I do not hate America (cannot wait to get there, have met many American JW’s and cannot wait to do the whole route 66 thing).

    There was a time here (in Oz) when jw’s were just put in the same basket as many other American evangelist religions. I will never forget a newly baptised sister back in 1985 asking the field service group why all the letters to the editor in the W/T were from America? I piped up that we are an American religion, I said that quite innocently and naively as that is where we had our beginning and our printing operations were based.

    Boy, did I cop it out the back room the next Tuesday night from the heavies! If only I knew what I know now…. But I’m sure those bully elders got their jollies by verbally harassing a 16year old pioneer whose whole life didn’t extend beyond the society…

    So, no we do not hate America or Americans, though sometimes something will happen and we will just shake our head and say “only in America!” (insert all things JW here)

  • yesidid

    SSPO said:

    Love America, still the best place to live. Who cares about the WTS.
    We also have scientology, mormons, Sda and a few others that started in this country.
    Freedom that no one else can enjoy

    SSPO, Not sure if you have ever heard of these countries:

    Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary

    Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden

    Switzerland, United Kingdom.

    BUT, they also enjoy those same freedoms. yesidid

  • ImFreeNow

    America is the best place to live on this planet. Just because an insignificant religion decided to set up shop here and start the whole screwed up thing in America is rather irrelevent. The majority of people that hate America are a SMALL minority no matter how many here think it is a large voice. Go any where else in the world and try it for while and see how quickly you hate america........unless your head is in the sand!!! It is the best place in the world to live, raise families, have successful businesses and be happy bad times or not!!!

  • yesidid


    In how many countries have you resided?

    Which of the countries in my list above have you visited?


  • beksbks

    Oh dear

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    My dog craps bigger than all y'alls' dogs.

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