Do you hate America because it's where wts was born?

by rebel8 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    If you are referring to people in general world wide I don't think the Watchtower even crosses their minds for any reason. They don't have that much infuence. However if you are referring to xjw's world wide that might be different because the Watchtower is truely a cult with an American flavor to it.

  • rebel8
    To me, this is an illogical question. Who is going to "hate America" because of a printing company founded in Pennsylvania?

    I think what you mean is, the question makes sense. To answer "yes" would be illogical.

    Misdirected anger is always illogical, but we've all done it.

    iquit, yes I meant ex-jws on this forum, who are not Americans. I suspect some of the anti-American sentiment here (not all of it by a long shot) is because it's wts' birthplace. They've had an ethnocentric American cult shoved down their throat and in some corner of their unconscious mind have developed a distaste for America itself.

  • Amazing


    This reminds me of the question "How long have you been beating your wife?"

    I could answer "never" to the question as you have written it, and fulfill the intent of the question. The question I think you have in mind is a legal trick question that is stated this way, "Have you stopped beating your wife, answer yes or no?" Either answer forces the conclusion that beating took place, when in fact, beating may have never taken place.

    By the way, I responded to you on the 1 John 4:1 thread. The ball is now in your court.

  • minimus

    No, I think the question is dumb. Sorry, as Simon Cowell would say.

  • four candles
    four candles

    No,I love America. I've been 3 times so far and been bowled over by the generosoty and welcome we recieved by the American people. I met some really good friends over there who I keep in touch with still................not JW's by the way..........well,2 Jws........but the rest aren't.

    I do look forward to coming over again soon!

  • undercover

    I get your point, but I would think that most people don't really coorelate the USA with the WTS.

    If one hates the USA because it's the home country of the religion that they themselves were involved with, then they've got deeper problems than just surviving a cult.

    On a side note, I've never understood why people hate a country based on the national government that currently rules it. That's like hating Germany or Japan because of the ruling powers that help create WWII. Both countries are beautiful lands with hospitable and friendly people. It's unfornuate that the ruling powers dragged their respective peoples into a terrible war.

    And people can be manipulated by the ruling powers. Sometimes the population are victims to the propaganda and promises of the government. I think ex-JWs should be able to understand that concept more than the average person.

    Yea, every country/nation/region has its own stereotypes, some based in truth, some exaggerated. It's those quirks about each of us that makes us interesting. It may be fun to laugh at it, but actually when you meet people of a different area, you realize that the stereotypes are greatly exaggerated.

    Having been born and raised in the US, I'm glad to be in a country with relative freedom and I love the history of the region where I grew up but I don't get carried away in "loving" this country's government. There's plenty wrong with the government. But if you put aside the political and the governmental and focus on the people and the cultures and the heritage, one should be able to enjoy and appreciate any place on earth. Having been fortunate enough to travel abroad, it opened my eyes and mind to the fact that so much exists outside our normal realm of knowledge and experience. To me it's ignorant to "hate" somewhere you've never been or know next to nothing about the region or the peoples.

  • BluesBrother

    United States of America...Has given the world

    Rock music ; Jazz : Blues : Bluegrass : Country & Western ; Hip Hop : Boogie Woogie : Big band music. The electric guitar .

    Hollywood Films, all my favourite T V shows, Levi jeans, Coca Cola, Pepsi Hot Dogs,

    A lot of the lovely people that I know on this board.. and latterly, Barak Obama....

    And you suggest that we would "hate America" over one piffling publishing company that thinks that it speaks for God??.

    Come Come, old boy...Never may that happen

  • sspo

    Love America, still the best place to live. Who cares about the WTS.

    We also have scientology, mormons, Sda and a few others that started in this country.

    Freedom that no one else can enjoy

  • villabolo

    Fundamentalists and Evangelicals seem to worship an "American Jesus". And that phrase "God bless America" what exactly is that supposed to mean?

    Now rephrase the question: Do you hate America because it's blessed by fundamentalist christians?

  • quietlyleaving

    I don't hate or love america. Hoping that anything I've said in criticism isn't taken as hate or anger

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