The Rapid oncoming time of the end part 1

by Homerovah the Almighty 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Didn't read it. Too long.

    Is that damned ole' JCanon back in the resurrection again?


  • poppers

    Is this a cut and paste job or did you come up with this yourself?

    Is that damned ole' JCanon back in the resurrection again?

    That's the thought that came to me as well.

  • moshe

    Mr Bible student- you would find as much enlightenment from a study of the Moby Dick novel.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You're either pulling our leg(s) or your eyes are brown, "THE B. S."

  • independent_tre

    I'm not reading all that.


    me neither, not a fan of the prolific cut n pasters

  • SnakesInTheTower

    And I thought some of my posts were long. I guess when registrations opened up again, we have to take the good with the bad with the WTF?

    Snakes ()

  • babel on
    babel on

    bible student,

    I dont quite know how to tell you this.....I hope your sitting down.....The bible is not about Jehovahs Witnesses nor did the apostasy of the orginization begin with the UN crisis...........It all started when Charles T Russell was born! Are you really that ignorant to the history of that organization! Do us all a favor....spend less time trying to figure out prophecy and try to figure out where your head is


    Its rule will be one of cruelty, and many, including some of those of Gods people, and his Holy ones will die as a result of not having its mark

    Are the witnesses going to renew their membership with the U.N. to safeguard their future?


  • Kosonen

    Hi Bible Student,

    I sincerely appreciated your personal Bible study results. I have come to very simmilar results myself, and I have been looking if somebody else could come to similar conclusions. And I am happy that you have. For example I understand, like you that there will come 2 prophets with miraculous powers, like you wrote.

    But I expect that all this will happen when it has been preached much more in China, India and in the muslim countries.

    It might take decades or even more than 100 years. During that time true Jews, (anointed) with the help of other people could get the opportunity to build the temple of the vision of Ezekiel. And then earthly Jerusalem would become the centre of true worship. But by some time it would again partially apostacy and the 2 prophets would be killed there in the end of their 42 months prophecying.

  • asilentone

    Most of us are not interested in what you have to say, so I am sure other boards will appreciate you more.

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