by african GB Member 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    Is there a possibility for JW's turning against the GB, perhaps by boycotting the "meetings" and FS?

    In my opinion, I think we could be heading for something to that "effect"....

    I have heard several "brothers" in my cong talking about the "need" to adapt to the ever changing world....

    Are they gonna go mainstream and avoid a possible revolt?

    Are they gonna stick to their tough rules and regulations?

    african GB member

  • civicsi00

    I keep wondering the same thing myself lately.

    With the May 2007 QFR releasing the bonds on who can be "anointed", I really feel there's going to be an increase in the number of partakers year after year.

    And I know several Witnesses right now who understand that the "anointed" are the ones who take the lead for JW's. We all know the reality.

    But with the upcoming June 15 WT, the GB is taking tighter control to make sure all JW's know who's in charge. This may cause some dissension among the younger "anointed" members, feeling left out and under-appreciated. They're not going to have any more say-so than members of the Great Crowd (they never did, but now it's in print).

    If there were a revolution, I don't know where it could lead. Would JW's, on their own, examine the Bible without Watchtower-colored glasses? Probably not. They don't do so now, and unless they want to, they probably won't.

    It would be very interesting to watch, though. Good enough to sit back and watch the show with some popcorn!

  • blondie

    People are still to controlled by df'ing. Even if enough left, the small nucleus left behind would just keep things going. Almost 75% of the Bible Students left the WTS by 1925 and shortly after. The WTS today grew from the few that remained.

  • villabolo

    They are too weak minded to do such a thing regardless of the issues involved.

  • Lost-In-Translation

    They are going to stick with their tough rules and regulations. Controlling every aspect of people's lives is the best way to maintain control.

    When the Bookstudy meeting arrangement was cancelled did you notice how they kept stating how they were to spend that "free" evening. It was said that the "free" night should be used for personal study or a Family study. Some even went to the point of saying that it would be disobediant to use that night to preach. Can you see the mentality of most Witnesses - they cannot make judgments for themselves. They want the WTBS to dictate all decisions for them so that they can be safe.

    The WTBS always puts it interests before anything else. At one Special Day assembly they had a mother and her two children state how they are fine and happy even though their hubsand/father is almost never home due to his multiple assignments for the Society. That just burned me up. They made it really clear to everyone - it's fine for a brother to neglect his family as long as it is in the interests of the Society. It is never appropriate to neglect ones wife and children, but that part on the program made it clear that the WBTS thinks its fine when it benefits them. You can clearly see the mind control going on.

  • V

    I believe that revolution is happening now, although in a passive agressive manner. More and more JWs are claiming to be anointed and the Governing Body can't stop it.

    Just because you are not voting with your wine glass does not mean you are not part of the revolution, once a general acceptance of this growth (almost 10% in 2008) settles, serious considerations are:

    • Why do only 12 men speak for the Faithful and Discreet Slave, without any consultation?
    • How can the number 144,000 be literal?
    • Like a snowball, the culture of JWs could shift to being attracted to heaven. Even multiple married couples are claiming to be anointed in my circuit!

    More here:


  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    Does this mean a great majority of JWs actually believe what they get taught?

    african GB member

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    Does this mean a great majority of JWs actually believe what they get taught?

    Probably not but they wouldn't admit that, even to themselves. For instance, I always thought the entire Revelation book was B.S on some level but didn't allow myself to dwell on that thought.

  • WTWizard

    I wouldn't be surprised if the religion goes from a fraud-based religion to a force-based one. And most of those appointed as hounders are in it for the power, so they really don't give a f*** if it's not the truth (they want everything anyone does to be what they are told).

    Eventually, all the hounders that are sincere will be Raymond Franzized (that is, disfellowshipped) to make room for those who are in it for the power. At which point, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger will issue the order to recapture those who attempt to break off, leave, fade, or that might have access to apostate materials. Such ones would be forcibly sequestered to prevent them from ever breaking free of the witlesses again. And, severe penalties will be issued for those who dog it on a call while out in field circus or that refuse to do a particular call.

  • passwordprotected

    I believe there are groups within congregations that are part of a revolution, but it's an internal one. I believe that there are groups - married couples, little pockets of friends - who have woken up, mentally, to the WTS and are merely 'going through the motions'. They probably aren't putting money into the box, they are probably fudging their report slips. All they lack is the courage to walk away from family and friends.

    I don't ever foresee a time when the WTS will do a Worldwide Church of God.

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