I am so sick of hearing the word "soon."

by TooBad TooSad 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • crazycate

    Gary you kill me! What a perfect response. Use their version of "soon" against them!

    And as someone else alluded to: JWs love to focus on a particular word used by a Bethel Heavy--as if somehow some new word they are using means it really is, actually, finally...almost here!


  • Elsewhere

    I'm sure they'll stop saying that soon.

    Maybe I'll write a letter to my parents telling them that I'll be meeting with the elders to get reinstated "soon".

  • oompa

    there has been only one very, very near or soon....and and dammit......my wtcd is messed up and i can not prove that........but only one time have they done the very very......and i think it was in the last ten years.........blondie?....leo?................oompa

  • steve2

    Try changing the context in which the word "soon" appears and see what happens. For example,

    • "I'm soon going to take an increased level of responsibnility for my life"
    • "My goal is to soon stop upsetting myself about the number of times the JWs use the word "soon""
    • "My life is in front of me right now...I soon want to learn how to be mindfully present with my life"
    • "I'm planning to stop attending the kingdom hall soon and listening to all these dead people put their life on hold"

    If you can action these soon you'll realise how easy it is to turn "soon" into "now"; however, if you have trouble actioning any of these basic steps towards greater self-responsibility, you'll have a lot of sympathy for the witnesses obsession with "soon".

  • Warlock

    Soon, they will stop using the word soon.


  • purplesofa

    I hate to admit, but I used to do this too my kids, putting them off about things, however it would benefit me.

    I didn't think anything of it. Of course I wanted to do whatever they wanted from me and instead of telling them NO, or I don't know when,

    or there is no way, if I wanted to it was going to happen,

    I told them SOON. Very controlling isn't it? Disrespectful to the other person.

    I don't do it anymore, I guess we treat others the way we are treated.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    and don't forget the infamous "we'll see" whenever u bring up a factoid that they can't refute.

  • parakeet

    TBTS, if you're tired of the word "soon," you're missing out on the dubs' full array of of end-time terminology.

    There's the delicately evocative "any day now," and the ubiquitous "right around the corner."

    My personal favorite is the sly "in Jehovah's due time." It's usually used to deflect attention from yet another failed end-time prediction.

  • Warlock

    How about "evidently"?

    Would you rather use that one?


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    how about "The end of the end"?

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