5th Annual Memorial night demonstration at Kingdom Hall!

by the research lady 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d


    You are insulting the intelligence of the people on this board to think they are so stupid as to swap one cult for another.

    Take your agenda somewhere else!


  • the research lady
    the research lady

    If you are making plans to demonstrate at a Kingdom Hall this coming Memorial night, Thursday April 9,2009, take digital pictures of your demonstration or even video and e-mail them to us at [email protected] We are putting together a video for You Tube of this up and coming event.

  • isaacaustin

    cameo-d....not to be confrontational in any way...but where did 'The Research Lady" indicate anything cultlike in her request? She was simply suggesting others partake in a Memorial demo by their kh and record it. Was it the statement about uniform signage that disturbed you?

  • undercover

    Personally, I don't see that these kind of protests do anything other than make the protestors feel good about themselves or gives them some small sense of vindication.

    Dubs are indoctrinated to expect negative reactions and persecution. Protesting at their holiest of nights only validates to them that they are right and are being persecuted for righteousness' sake.

    I don't appreciate people who, uninvited, try to push their agendas and beliefs on me, so likewise I won't, uninvited, protest their right to worship as they wish. It doesn't matter if its JWs, Catholics, Muslims, fundie Mormons or Appalachian snake handlers. The US Constitution guarantees people the freedom of religion. I don't have to agree with them, but I do support their right to worship...even cults like JWs and Mormons.

    And having our dub families seeing a group of protestors at a Memorial only makes it harder for those of us who are trying to use logic and reason to show our JW family the issues and problems with the JW belief system. When they see a group of "apostates" protesting, it only causes them to scurry closer to "mother's" protection, setting back our efforts.

  • leavingwt

    The US Constitution guarantees people the freedom of religion.

    These demonstrations are not my style. If I personally felt that they would help, I would be the first one to stand outside the local KH and hold a sign.

    However, the First Amendment also protects the rights of citizens to engage in demonstrations like these.

    In the future, there may be a cause that I would want to publicly demonstrate in support of. If so, then I can disagree with the purpose of these particular demonstrations, while supporting the right of free citizens to hold these demonstrations, much in the same way that I can support the right of Mormons and JWs to freely worship.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    The good thing with these around the world demonstrations is that the message will be the same,getting the Witnesses to check things out on the internet. Efforts are now being made to have these demonstrators equipped with the same signage at each Kingdom Hall to create a unified solidarity exposing the Watchtower organization for who they really are, a dangerous and destructive cult!

    I must be getting my apostate wings because when I read this, I felt an instant aversion to this type of thing. Reminds me of how the WBTS like to brag that they study the same material at the same time to strengthen their unity.

  • slimboyfat

    Barmy at best.

  • undercover
    the First Amendment also protects the rights of citizens to engage in demonstrations like these.

    You're right, it does. I support the right to protest as well, though I don't see the advantage of making a public spectacle when the opposing side has as much right as the protestors to meet.

    There are times that protests work, there are times that it can hurt the cause you're demonstrating for. I think, in this case, that protesting doesn't really help...my opinion...one that the protestors will disagree with I'm sure.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Maybe Rick can get all the exJW's to wear sandwich boards at all the memorials worldwide that proclaim that the "Upper Room Ministries" is God's new Organization? That would make him the New Pastor Russell. Protest? Ok. Agenda? They are for elder's meetings and corporations. The best protest is not going at all. W.Once

  • betterdaze

    Efforts are now being made to have these demonstrators equipped with the same signage

    Are you offering this signage, and if so, how much does it cost?


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