Just want to say thanks to all of the fair, thought-provoking, and balanced posters here--this board has been a huge help to me....

by Alpaca 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock

    I almost left.....................TWICE!!!

    You can blame Mary, and a couple of others for making me stay.

    You'll be back.


  • Alpaca

    You know what? I probabaly did over react and I want to offer Gregor and John Doe both sincere apologies (I have had some nasty exchanges with both of them).

    I think Rodbar and cameo probably had at least partially correct observations about me, so thank you for saying something.

    If you guys accept the apologies that would be appreciated. If not I understand but at least it's out there.

    Just in case John Doe and Gregor do not come back to this thread, I will send them both PMs of apology.

    I am still going to take a break when this thread is spent.

  • Quirky1

    Where else can you go and get this kinda sarcasm??

  • Gregor

    Thanks, Alpaca. No problem here. I think it might be a case of one man's nasty being another man's lively exchange ? You sound like an interesting guy and I'm sure if we sat down over a cup of coffee we could have a good discussion and maybe a few laughs.

    Consider sticking around ?


  • free2think

    Please stay Alpaca. I've always enjoyed your posts.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Thanks for the apology alpaca, but it's not necessary. Here's my advice--lighten up a little. When we take things too seriously, we can become easily offended. You're right, go outside, go to the park, go for a walk, smell the flowers. When you come and post here, if you think someone's an asshole, laugh, tell yourself "they're an asshole" and go on. That's a healthy way to live life.

  • Kudra

    Eh- don't leave permanently- just take a break- I do from time to time. We ALL get annoyed with posters on this board and when I do I just don't read threads I don't like and sometimes I just don't log on to JWD for a while.

    I wouldn't want to see you take things too seriously and leave all the good people here. :)


  • BabaYaga

    Dang it! Don't go, Alpaca... I enjoy your posts so much. Or... should I say... if you seriously feel the need to leave this place for a while, please do come back SOON.


  • flipper

    ALPACA - We all get stressed with things in life and differences of opinions can cause tensions for sure ; but I just want to give a big shout out of compliments to you Alpaca, Gregor, and John Doe for handling this in a very admirable way by talking it out and getting it in the open with apologies and the acceptance of the apologies . I'm totally impressed. I've been on this board for 2 years and hardly EVER have I seen a squabble handled this well ! I tip my hat to all 3 of you ! Peace to you guys - hope things are well for you all. Mr. Flipper

  • Robdar

    Alpaca, you're a cool guy for apologizing to Gregor and John Doe. I hope you come back and hang with us in the future.

    BTW, I still can't stop thinking about your ass.

    Take care.


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