Would god (even if he DID exist) deserve to be worshiped?

by mkr32208 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mkr32208

    I was thinking about this the other day. The case for evolution is pretty much sewed up. Even the evangelicals are only arguing the semantics anymore, most intelligent people take the case that evolution happened in some way. The argument now is abiogenesis or where the heck life came from to begin with.

    I don't believe in god but here's my thought on the situation. Say humans found a habitable world and sent a probe that was carrying microbes and algae and dna and gunk supremo to this habitable planet and then promptly forgot about it for a zillion years. When intelligent life finally arose at some future time would it owe humans worship and devotion?

    So why does this god who may have crapped in the gene pool at some point way in the past and then added NOTHING to the equation after that deserve ANYTHING from modern humans?

    Just a thought...

  • Elsewhere

    No one deserves to be worshiped.....

    ... except for me!

    (This is the thought prosess of ALL deities)

  • leavingwt

    Read this father's story of great loss and ask yourself that question again.


  • stillajwexelder

    I would make some meat smoke on his behalf - but he aint getting my foreskin

  • undercover

    Would god (even if he DID exist) deserve to be worshiped?

    If he can't show himself(or give an indisputable sign of his existance) and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt of his Almightyness and Godly Power, then why should he be worshipped?

  • BabaYaga

    Not only does the fanatical, bloodthirsty Old Testament god not DESERVE to be worshipped, he wouldn't even WANT to be worshipped IF he was the OMNIPOTENT LOVING god he professes to be...

    Demanding worship shows a lack of power, a serious inferiority complex, and severe jealousy issues. Love is not jealous...?

  • Elsewhere

    I did this with my Sea Monkeys.

    They refused to worship me and build monuments for me, so I poured them out in the yard. Feel the wrath of Elsewhere!!!!!!!

  • undercover
    he wouldn't even WANT to be worshipped IF he was the OMNIPOTENT LOVING god he professes to be...
    Demanding worship shows a lack of power, a serious inferiority complex, and severe jealousy issues. Love is not jealous...?

    That got me to thinking...

    IF...and that's another big IF...we are made in God's image and he's our Father, then wouldn't all fathers expect their children to worship them? But that doesn't happen.

    Fathers expect obedience, but at some point they realize that the child is now an adult and must live their own life. The father will be there if needed for support and love. But a loving and balanced father knows that they can't expect exclusive worship and devotion from that child for an eternity.

    So wouldn't the Heavenly Father, in whose image all fathers are made, act similarly to his children?

    OTOH, some Christian religions do paint God as much more benevolent than do JWs and other fundie cult types. Maybe they've got the intrepretation of a benevolent, gray haired old man in the sky closer than other religions.

    Not that there is one...

  • viva

    If there was a god in the sense that a christian believes, all knowing, all powerful, all loving, etc., he should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, not worshipped. If there is such a thing as perfection, god has done a terrible disservice to all creation.

  • mkr32208

    Interesting ideas. Not sure what that link was about wt was that just to prove that if god exist he's the worlds biggest pos and needs to be kicked square in the nuts?

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