The Secret Pioneer School Manual

by WuzLovesDubs 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Did you go? Did you get one of those? I saw one up close and personal because the JW ANNOINTED sister who was studying with me, told me that if I looked up EVERY SCRIPTURE in her (illegally gotten before the school started) Pioneer School Book and cut it out of old Green NWTS and pasted them in the margins, it would make her a stronger pioneer and Jehovah would reward me. And in the process I would learn where things were in the bible.

    Gosh what an incredible HONOR I was blessed with! You know I did it..I didnt know a damn thing. She was cheating and I was aiding and abetting.

    Why was that book so SECRET? While in hell do they keep some things SECRET from the rest of the R&F? Like Gilead training and the things in the Elders Manual and the Pioneer Book? What IS that??

    Not a cult my ASS

  • mostlydead

    Amen! I hate that kind of stuff. I understand privacy, and I understand confidentiality. But when you have things set up like this it divides people into privileged classes, which is absurd when it comes to religious training. Unless of course you have a magical priesthood to maintain.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I was told when I went to Pioneer School that instead of printing up every reference, I should look up all the scriptures, thus bringing on temporary insanity....

    An old elder printed up all the references for us, but we turned it down..... (well, the ex did....)

    You raise an interesting point... The keeping of these manuals or Gilead "secret" has nothing to do with confidentiality at all. By building up the myth surrounding these schools and manuals, it serves as another control mechansim, something to work for, something to distract you from all the many pieces of evidence that JW's are full of crap.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yes, I went and got the mean book. I don't know what was so special about it. All you had to do was to copy all the how to service stuff from KM's, throw in a couple of chapters of the United book, and put it into book form. There wasn't anything secret about it other than shhh, don't share your book with anyone. Geez, it's the same stuff the others get, anyway.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    All PI school was was just a very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong drawn out service meeting. That's it. Nothing more than a whole bunch of service meeting points put into one looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong 2 week 5 days per week 8 hours a day money lost from work huge waste of time.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I didn't do it for JH, I did it for the labe and popularity and chances to do demos on stage. Never made a true friend from it. I honestly asked myself why I kept doing it and that is the answer I came up with.

  • cameo-d

    Unless of course you have a magical priesthood to maintain.

    It all started with the Mystery schools. WBTS is still very much a part of those layers which still exist in our society today. Mystery is the glue that holds together the fabric of all the lies.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The hype makes people think that they have a privilege to attend. The biggest attraction was TWO WEEKS OUT OF THE MONTH NOT GOING DOOR TO DOOR! wHOOHOO. w.once

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I went. It was over 25 years ago. I don't remember anything particularly secret about any of it though. Amazingly, I still have the book. From what I remember, and after a glance through the table of contents, the descriptions of it being advanced KM/service meeting seem about right.

  • yknot

    Is anyone willing to scan into PDF the 2004 edition?

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