Why I am an atheist

by Awakened at Gilead 129 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Funny thing is I'm on the way to a natural history museum today to teach my mom about evolution.... thanks for the link Hoobie... now I'll be able to tell my mom... see these fossils? they're not as old as the museum says they are... they don't know what they are talking about. I'd rather trust a bunch of creationists who believe in ancient scribblings instead of palentologists who actually find fossils in the order that evolution predicts...

  • Satanus

    Dinos needed those long, sharp teeth to chew up tree trunks. Wood is vegetables, yaknow.


  • 2050

    Got ya. Silly me!

  • donny

    Logic like the stuff in Hooberus link is what helped me see the error of my former thinking. Scientists will look at something and study it to find out it's origins and history whether or not it conflicts with their belief system or anyone elses. Creationists start with a belief system and try to mold data to fit their particular persuasion. Just like JW's translating the bible. The translate around their beliefs in order to make it appear the scriptures support their doctrines.


  • mkr32208

    toth- I take my hat off to you. Just when I think I've seen the bottom of the well of human stupidity someone like yourself shows up and clearly demonstrates that the well has no bottom...

    Comparing the evidence for existance of god to the moon landing... Have a sense of shame in your ignorance don't be proud of it!

  • oompa

    lance you know i want to read this...but damm it is long!...plus i am not quite an atheist yet....could sombody please do a Cliffnotes version?...thanks........oompa

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Read the OP ooomps

  • hooberus
    2. Scientific reason: I went to a natural history musem and learned about the earth's history. This confirmed my lack of belief in a god. Think about how long the earth has existed (4.5 billion years). Life's emergence (3 billion years ago), the pattern of life developing matches evolutionary theory; 5 mass destructions have caused the death and extinction of most of the species that have ever existed (i.e. ice ages; asteroids; massive volcanic activity, etc); so...
    Logic like the stuff in Hooberus link is what helped me see the error of my former thinking. Scientists will look at something and study it to find out it's origins and history whether or not it conflicts with their belief system or anyone elses. Creationists start with a belief system and try to mold data to fit their particular persuasion. Just like JW's translating the bible. The translate around their beliefs in order to make it appear the scriptures support their doctrines.

    "Secular" Natural History museums also start with their own philosophical presuppositions and then interpret the data accordingly. Using these anti-biblical presuppositions (e.g. naturalism, etc.), they then generate a "secular" version of history, in opposition to recorded history in the Bible.

    "If you are concerned about the propaganda presented in natural history museums, this beautifully illustrated and full color book is for you. The book provides the true history behind more than 100 common museum exhibits. Excellent for school field trips to your favorite museum."

  • 2050

    Naturalism = What is real and can be tested.
    Creationism = Presuppositions based on ancient mythology.

    Naturalism = Examine the real world and then come to a conclusion.
    Creationism = Come to a conclusion and then force everything to support it.

    Naturalist presupposition = Evidence can tell us what happened.
    Creationist presupposition = God did it.

    Naturalism does not rule out the existence of God. It could prove that God exists but so far it has led us in the opposite direction.

    The secular version of history is in opposition to the Biblical version because one is based on mythology and the other is based on evidence.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    If you are concerned about the propaganda presented in natural history museums, this beautifully illustrated and full color book is for you. The book provides the true history behind more than 100 common museum exhibits. Excellent for school field trips to your favorite museum."

    I am more concerned about creationist propaganda than about the conclusions an observer may make unaided by going to a natural history museum and learning about the fossil record, including hominids that go back 600,000 years. Doesn't quite match 6,000 years ago and the Adam and Eve story.

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