Whats good about religion anyway ?

by Homerovah the Almighty 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Actually, I believe that there will always be scams based on regroupings of Jesus. If people would just take his message as it was intended to be taken and start doing their own thinking, becoming God-People, such scams wouldn't even have a chance to get off the ground. Independent thinking is the enemy of all mind-control scams.

    I did figure out what good religion is. All of our regulators owe their power to it. Religion has created the belief that we are all inherently wicked and sinful, and need complicated codes of rules to obey. From that, regulators have popped up to control every detail of our lives. We now live in a society where progress is impeded by the same religious forces that helped shape the First Dark Ages. Science is impeded by moral debates that should not even exist. We have zero tolerance for the unknown, just like they did back in the First Dark Ages. We would rather, as a society, live in stagnation with a certain unsatisfactory outcome than advance, take a few risks of major problems in order to solve existing ones. That has held us back in medicine, transportation, energy, food, and just about every industry except the computer and telecommunications. All because of that "original sin" bulls***.

  • Caedes
    next week small groups of us will already be murdering each other under the standard of some other ideology. Condell's smug, arrogant tone is a hint about this. Me, I am going after the people that drive around with loud music rattling their cars.


    That must be your claimed live and let live tolerance bubbling up again.

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