Whats good about religion anyway ?

by Homerovah the Almighty 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    This fellow posts a few videos on You-Tube, his name is Pat Condell and he has some interesting observations on religion that holds merit.


  • mkr32208

    Absolutely right on every point...

  • mkr32208

    His 'United States of Jesus' is also very very good! His line that Jesus would have as much chance of getting elected president as you would have getting blood out of a jehovahs witness was very nice!

  • WTWizard

    And I believe that Jesus was against established religion. He wanted people to be free--and that's not what our leaders (the big companies running the show, the Fed, the big drug companies, and Monsanto) want. If Jesus were running for President, these companies and the politicians that back them up would attack him mercilessly, even passing laws to single out Jesus and prevent him from successfully running. (And possibly creating new crimes that would have him in jail for trying to set the country free once again).

  • cameo-d

    And I believe that Jesus was against established religion. He wanted people to be free--and that's not what our leaders (the big companies running the show, the Fed, the big drug companies, and Monsanto) want. If Jesus were running for President, these companies and the politicians that back them up would attack him mercilessly, even passing laws to single out Jesus and prevent him from successfully running. (And possibly creating new crimes that would have him in jail for trying to set the country free once again).

    And they have same such plans for his followers. And I am not talking about those opiated pew warmers blindly following church dictates.

    Actually, in the near future, a certain group of people from the Brotherhood will claim they are the true followers of Jesus and will reveal themselves as the Enlightened Ones. They will give a tall tale about how they 'regrouped' when the Vatican took control of religious knowledge. Many people will believe their spiel. They will claim to have the knowledge to save mankind; to bring light to the world. They will speak of the Universal Laws of Nature....such as taking personal responsibility, and survival of the fittest. There is a plan; a method behind the madness. It is time to once again cull humanity and play with higher genetics.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Actually, in the near future, a certain group of people from the Brotherhood will claim they are the true followers of Jesus and will reveal themselves as the Enlightened Ones. They will give a tall tale about how they 'regrouped' when the Vatican took control of religious knowledge. Many people will believe their spiel. They will claim to have the knowledge to save mankind; to bring light to the world. They will speak of the Universal Laws of Nature....such as taking personal responsibility, and survival of the fittest. There is a plan; a method behind the madness. It is time to once again cull humanity and play with higher genetics.

    Another psychotic delusional posting by Cameo , girl you really need to either go see a Doctor or if you are already on some medication

    perhaps try and increase the dosage, you don't sound all too healthy right now. !

  • BurnTheShips
  • drwtsn32

    BTS, the nothingness of your response made me chuckle.

  • BurnTheShips
  • BurnTheShips

    That video has been posted here before. To be truly honest, the title of the video should be "What's so good about people"?

    We could rocket every religious person into outer space, and next week small groups of us will already be murdering each other under the standard of some other ideology. Condell's smug, arrogant tone is a hint about this. Me, I am going after the people that drive around with loud music rattling their cars.


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