They "Keep Following the Lamb" - February Study Article (Praise for the GB)

by Ultimate Reality 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • independent_tre
    What is amazing is the role of the slave and GB seems to becoming more important than ever. It is if Jehovah and Jesus have submitted themselves to the Slave!

    I was just thinking this! I had a conversation with a hard core Jdub at my job the other day and all she could say was "the slave says this, the slave tells us that, the slave provides us with spiritual direction" and so on. She rarely stated in the conversation that " the bible says this... or the bible says that". She always highlighted the 'slave' as the source of spriritual direction rather than the bible.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    A scarily true parallel made by Jeremy C in his post, worth repeating:

    The Governing Body reminds me of the old Soviet leaders who utilized the state run news service to dispense their "information". As Russians stood in line for hours just to get bread and toilet paper, the state run news service would brag at the robust economy. As massive crop failures resulted in large scale starvation, the old guard rulers declared successful and abundant crop seasons.

    Those who defected were villified as those who hated their fellow Russians, and enemies of Mother Russia. Mother Russia - mother organization. Loyalty to the Party - loyalty to the Slave Class. Western decadence - worldy wisdom. See any similarities?

    The Watchtower has long denounced religious repression in totalitarian states. But, as the old saying goes: if the shoe fits; wear it.

  • Flash

    Can anyone imagine Jesus constantly stressing to His diciples that He is the Messiah and how they had better obey Him!?

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