Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-28-08 WT Study (SUCCESS)

by blondie 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    Thanks Blondie for the between-the-lines reading and comments.

    The writers use the word "success" in the title, but fail to clearly define it. They refer to "spiritual growth", and then later numerical growth.

    Spiritual growth -- how does one measure that, exactly? How would anyone know whether success is being had?

    Numeric growth -- if that was the definition of success, then the WTS would have to admit that many other religions including Islam are growing too, and in fact have a longer and bigger record of growth than the WTS.

    So they cannot claim that numeric growth = success. So they resort to planting vague ideas about "success" into their members' subconscious minds.

    And what about lands where the growth has slowed down to a crawl or a stop? I'd heard for years that "the harvest is practically complete" in the country where I live. What would "success" in preaching look like here? Why even continue preaching when there's little or no harvest left to be had in the English-speaking population of the USA?

    Inquiring minds want to know, but the WTS won't answer. They'll just keep on printing articles like this that call for MORE MORE MORE slave labor on the part of their R&F.

  • cameo-d
    Does this separating refer to the final judgment of the sheep and the goats that Jesus said would occur when he arrived in his glory? (Matt. 25:31-33) No. That final judgment will occur at Jesus' coming during the great tribulation.

    This last line "at Jesus' coming during the great trib." this sounds oddly different than what has been said before.

    If jesus was supposed to have already come and is here...then why does this sound like an expected future arrival if he's already here?

    Have they always said that Jesus would "show up" during the great tribulation?

    It was always my understanding that Jesus would come at the last day and that would be the day of Armageddon.

    So aren't they subtly changing the story here?

  • Gopher
    Does this separating refer to the final judgment of the sheep and the goats that Jesus said would occur when he arrived in his glory? (Matt. 25:31-33) No. That final judgment will occur at Jesus' coming during the great tribulation.

    This last line "at Jesus' coming during the great trib." this sounds oddly different than what has been said before.

    If jesus was supposed to have already come and is here...then why does this sound like an expected future arrival if he's already here?

    Have they always said that Jesus would "show up" during the great tribulation?

    It was always my understanding that Jesus would come at the last day and that would be the day of Armageddon.

    So aren't they subtly changing the story here?

    No, this continues their story that Jesus has multiple "comings". His first one was supposedly in 29 CE as the Messiah, the second in 1914 CE as King, and the third at some "approaching" future date as Executioner. It's confusing because they teach there's been an invisible "presence" since his arrival at the second coming. And so when he "comes" again, he's already been present. (And you'd better not question them !!! ) Up until 1995 the JW's taught that the separation of sheep and goats was happening all throughout the last days, since about 1914. In 1995 they changed that teaching to push the separation off to the time of the great tribulation, to separate those about to be executed from those to be saved. (This was at about the same time they disconnected the year 1914 from the word "generation", and changed "generation" to a group of people instead of a time frame.)

  • cameo-d
    No, this continues their story that Jesus has multiple "comings".

    Ok, Gopher, you are spooking me now.

    This sounds a lot like the Shekinah. (drag out the word and it sounds an awful lot like "shock and awe")

    The Shekinah which is female "God" has appeared on the earth 9 times. The next appearance is supposed to guessed it.

    So what happens now? Will they plan some kind of "Wag the Dog" appearance of ET angels?

    The Ten Days of Awe start soon...sometime in Oct. but I don't remember when exactly.

    I have always had the feeling that Yom Kippur would figure into this end time senerio. One of the sayings is "may you be sealed until the day of atonement". As we are coming up on that...I think something significant might happen this year. I dunno, just a strong gut feeling.

  • cameo-d
    No, this continues their story that Jesus has multiple "comings". His first one was supposedly in 29 CE as the Messiah, the second in 1914 CE as King, and the third at some "approaching" future date as Executioner

    For a group that does not believe in the 3 in 1 concept of trinity they certainly seem to use Jesus and Jehovah interchangeably here by referring to jesus as the executioner.

    The scriptures say "Day of Jehovah". A couple of times it may say "day of the lord" but that was only because the scribe was too lazy to go through the wash rituals.

    Jehovah is the one that does all the killing. The blood runs knee deep. Isn't that what it says?

    Now the scriptures say that Jesus comes with a sword, but it proceeds out of his mouth. He doesn't do any bloody killing like jehovah-jihad.

    Jesus wounds with words of truth.

    I don't believe Jesus was any relation to this old testament god. I think he exposed the magic religion sham for what it was and that's why he was killed. Nobody is "saved" by any death ritual. The only "salvation" anyone has is by having a heart of love and kindness.

    People wonder why their creator never answers prayer. Well, there's a war going on in heaven and they just can't get back to us!

    I do believe there will be a divine rescue coming eventually.

    In one of the unpublished gospels Jesus said you don't put a new patch on an old garment. That's kind of what it would be like for anybody to think they could restore this contaminated earth.

    I have all ideas, though, with this coming New Paridigm thing, they will be teaching a lot of "heal the planet" c**p and that it will be man's effort. (with guidance from these "gods"?) anyway, that's not what Jesus said. He said end of the world; not end of the age. He also said HE was going to prepare a place for us. He never said it was something we would have to do ourselves. We're all too worn out and dang tired. Religion has beat us up and now all the stress of being the contaminated generation. Who's got the energy to clean up this mess?

    (Guess thats why so many will be destroyed....get rid of everyone but the young people. They are more easily influenced and accepting of the change that's coming. )

    It's confusing because they teach there's been an invisible "presence" since his arrival at the second coming. And so when he "comes" again, he's already been present. (And you'd better not question them !!! )

    "It's confusing " My Bible gives author's name for that story. Sounds like the "is, was, to be," scenerio again.

    Up until 1995 the JW's taught that the separation of sheep and goats was happening all throughout the last days, since about 1914. In 1995 they changed that teaching to push the separation off to the time of the great tribulation, to separate those about to be executed from those to be saved.

    I guess they think they are in charge of the separating, too, huh?

    They don't even know which way the damn wind blows.

    (This was at about the same time they disconnected the year 1914 from the word "generation", and changed "generation" to a group of people instead of a time frame.)

    Generation as group of people... like Pepsi generation, generation X, etc. etc. That's a good idea. Bet the board must have debated that every day for six months. They really hurt for subject matter sometimes, don't they?

  • Borgia
    12. Second, although an element may on one occasion have a negative connotation in the Scriptures, on another occasion the same element may be used to represent something positive. For example, at 1 Peter 5:8, Satan is likened to a lion, picturing his dangerous, vicious nature. But at Revelation 5:5, Jesus is likened to a lion-"the Lion that is of the tribe of Judah." In the latter case, the lion is used as a symbol of courageous justice.

    Does this go for the 3 birthday accounts in the bible too? All three have murderous connotations: Job, Pharao and Herod..........but 2 of them have positive connotations too! In Job's case, he found out how good Gods blessing was, and the Pharao did exalt the sommelier in his previous position........ Cheers Borgia

  • MadGiant


    Take Care


  • Kosonen

    16. The dragnet, which represents the Kingdom-preaching work, gathers fish of every kind. Jesus goes on to say: "When [the dragnet] got full they hauled it up onto the beach and, sitting down, they collected the fine ones into vessels, but the unsuitable they threw away. That is how it will be in the conclusion of the system of things: the angels will go out and separate the wicked from among the righteous and will cast them into the fiery furnace. There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be." -Matt. 13:48-50.

    I would like to comment this too. As df I could not comment at the meeting I went to today.

    Jesus says: "When the dragnet got full they hauled it up." Do the WT think that the organization is now full? The article say also that a bad fish wich has been thown away by angels can get back. It does not make sence!

    It seems they have problems in understanding the expression "in the conclusion of system of things". Should not the conclusion occure when the dragnet got full?

  • leavingwt

    Thank you.

    Unreal. "Invisible" growth.

  • mary stewart
    mary stewart

    cameo, watch zeiteist. the end of the "world" IS an age! not the planet.

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