feel like I've walked into a tar pit

by lancelink 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    2 JW's met 2 Mormon missionaries on a sidewalk. The JW elder said, "we don't move for false prophests, the Mormon elder said, " but, we do", and they proceeded to go around the JW's.

  • Satanus

    Is she trying to convert you? I mean, does she bring it up, or do you? What do you think being married to a mormon will be like? My impression is that they are more family oriented and more caring than jws. I could be wrong..


  • lancelink

    thank you for all the support and suggestions.

    I'll post later when things change/hit the fan/stop, or whatever.

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    The only thing i could say is in that famous book "Combatting cult mind control" it ALWAYS uses the idea of meeting with "EX" whatever group members to get people to think again about joining.. i really do think this would be THE TIME to do that with the wife...

    Wow. good luck.

  • lancelink

    kind of a weird evening.
    I work at a local school, and am getting prepared for the new semester.
    This means that there has been much working late, so this evening I get home around 7:30pm and there
    is a Mormon elder, along with his wife sitting in my living room when I get home talking to my wife !
    Suddenly they 'have to get going" (yea, right) and take off.
    This is starting to get a somewhat JW "creepy feeling" to me.
    I mean they come over and talk when I'm not around.
    Basically I'm totally exhausted dealing with this situation, the JW elders seem to have just added
    fuel to the fire with their unspecific support.
    Oh I did not mention that my wife met with several elders once, spoke for two hours and nothing was done.
    later, (about 1 year later) I told her to speak to her PO about what has been going on. Three hours discussion with him in a local park, and nothing wrong with her attitude,?!
    After reading all the suggestions given me here, I believe that a "hard nose" attitude is what I'm going to follow. After being a JW for years, and going along with their version of getting disciples I can really see what is going on here, kind of like looking from the inside-out.
    We knew a really neat couple in a neighboring congregation what were divorced about three years ago,problems between them just increased so he left and they agreed to a divorce. My wife could not understand how this lady would sacrifice her marriage in order to remain completely faithful to a "man made" organization(JW) with the support of her large family who are ALL hard line witnesses.
    Yet now my wife is putting most of her free time, energy, and support to the Mormons,an extraordinarily man made religion
    if there ever was one !
    So, I'm going to draw the similarity between her actions, and the sister who she routinely criticized,
    religion #1, marriage#2 and if she becomes a Mormon, I'm leaving. I'm not going thru that religious crap all over again.

    And another point that I'm going to ask the mormons the next time they invite me to sit and talk with them,
    in Genesis, the devil told Eve that if she ate the fruit, she would become like god, yet the mormons believe that they will BECOME a god
    after they die. So if they believe and follow the Bible, how can this be explained in a positive, spiritual way.

  • mustang

    Keep it simple: plead "burnout". Use that to buy time. Good luck.


  • mustang

    How is your financial situation? (That's rhetorical; don't answer.)

    A few years back I was talking with a friend at work about my JW father hounding me. He indicated that he was a Mormon, but not a "good Mormon".

    I asked why that was.

    His response was that the Mormons expected THE TITHE. Not only did they expect it, but they would estimate and bill you for it!!!

    Better get this one sorted out, way in front of the other stuff!!!


  • lancelink

    wonderful, they are probably talking about this when I'm not around.

  • mustang

    An ENFORCED TITHE is hardly a selling point: you'll probably havve to pry it out of them. (It's the same as JW's doing DF'ing:it's an unadvertised feature.)


  • Thechickennest

    Yeah, its a tar pit for sure. I would be real uneasy if mormons were meeting privately with a family member and espessially the spouse. No advice. I am just going to pray for you and your wife. Goodnight.

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