"What kind of fool am I"

by mouthy 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dorktacular

    My dad was a mechanic. Years ago, he had a few deaf customers. They always had trouble blowing out engines prematurely. It took him a while to figure out why... They can't hear the engine run! They can only feel the vibrations. So, they would hit the gas right away to see if the engine was running. It's really bad for an engine to be revved before the oil gets to circulate through the engine, so they would wear out prematurely. I've seen quite a few older people do the same thing because they can't hear the engines, especially in today's smooth running luxury cars. He solved the problem by installing tachometers in the vehicles of the offending persons so they can see the RPM needle move, indicating the engine was running.

  • mouthy

    He solved the problem by installing tachometers in the vehicles of the offending persons so they can see the RPM needle move, indicating the engine was running.

    Sounds like you had a real kind Dad

  • beerose

    Don't feel bad mouthy,when I was in my 30's me and my sister was at a bank cashing our checks,she was done first and drove next door to 7-11 while I was still in the bank.When I came out I jumped into the truck thinking my sister was still in the bank,and this guy comes out of the bank asking what the hell am I doing in his truckmy sister couldn't stop laughing the whole way home!

  • mouthy

    I bet your face was red>LOL,,,,,, Mine was .I guess if you can do that at 30 .. 81 is excused (((HUG

  • mouthy

    Oh NOW I do feel relieved to hear younguns like YOU can do stupid things Thanks

  • mouthy

    I truly was not being sarcastic. Honest. I truly did mean it makes me feel good to know that others ( not old agers) can do silly things. Because I think I am starting AlZeimers..
    you said >. What I wouldn't give to hear your comments at some of the bullcrap they were spewing...
    Well Since the Elder told me if I was a man,I would be appointed as an elder.I guess they recognised I could speak b c also

  • LovesDubs

    We call those "brain farts" in our house and ALL ages are subject to them! LOL!

  • hamsterbait

    Is that a BLONDE tint in those curls?


  • mouthy

    Is that a BLONDE tint in those curls?

    LOL!!!! I used to dye it blonde when a JW!!!! Funny guy!!!"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit"

  • JK666


    Don't feel bad, we all have our moments.

    My mother is 84, and still driving her little PT Cruiser all over. I taught her how to drive when she was 60. She's no Mario Andretti, but she does okay. I am sure you do too. Your mind is sharp as a tack, as I can see from your posts.

    Keep on rollin',


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