Ex astronaut says Aliens exist but NASA covers it up.

by misanthropic 42 Replies latest social current

  • lrkr

    77 years old? Maybe he's seen the Alzheimers aliens.

  • james_woods

    I think that it is completely preposterous.

    To believe it, you also have to assume that the "aliens" are complicit with the Government (all the alien species that supposedly have visited from all their alien planets) - and really do try to hide their presence from us. If they are so all-fired advanced, to what purpose would the practice of hiding serve? And, if they are hiding, why are they so incompetent as to occasionally show themselves accidentally, or crash in the desert because of a thunderstorm? After having traveled for thousands of light years across deep space - crash in a thunderstorm???

    Then, you have to assume that they have only been caught by Governments (i.e. - U.S., Russia, China, others) who all have a like-minded policy of keeping this far more secret than any nuclear weapons program.

    Then, you have to assume that these Governments have successfully prevented any believable leaks of their coverup. Not one U.S. president (not even one, not Republican, not Democrat, not conservative, not liberal) saw fit to inform the Public as their duty?

    Then, you have to assume that there is something so GawdAwful dangerous about trusting the public with such information that this whole coverup thing is worth it to somebody. Do you really think the normal public would go foaming at the mouth mad, and start national chaos over this? I think almost everybody would say - well, that's interesting, and just try to find out more about it.

    You also have to assume that all the journalists of TV, Radio, newspaper have not been able to ferret out the absolute biggest story ever to happen in human history.


  • amama2six

    Men in Black. Everyone who saw the aliens just had their memory erased with little light up pens. Apparently Mitchell was closing his eyes for his memory erasing... :D

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Statistically speaking, I think life on other planets to be highly probable. In the same vein, I find the notion that aliens are building spacecraft and visiting our planet to less probable, and aliens visiting our planet and the governments of the world collectively covering these visits up to be improbable to the point of absurdity.

    Now, that brings us to the issue of this article. First of all, Dr. Mitchell is 77 years old--an age not known for sharpeness of mind or clarity of thought. Secondly, the article is not written by Dr. Mitchell but is instead an interpretation done by a Mr. Ben Framer--a person of unverifited credentials and unclear motives. This naturally leads us to the first question, is the article an adequate interpretation of Dr. Mitchel's viewpoint? First, I scan the article for direct quotes, and see if they jive with the rest of the article.

    Now, the first "quote" attributed to Dr. Mitchell in the article is describing what unnamed "sources" at the unnamed "space agency" described aliens to look like. So, we have presumably a journalist telling us what a 77 year old Dr. described how a further unnamed source thought aliens look like. This, so far, has not even been a claim that aliens have visited us. For all we know, the unnamed sources may have been describing what they imagine aliens should look like. So, strike paragraph 1 and 2 for any semblance of credibility.

    Paragraph three tells us Dr. Mitchell's supposed interpretation of alien technology in comparison to our own. However, the comparison is not explicitly stated, instead leaving the reader to infer the meaning with the ambiguous pronoun reference "they." If "they" had been hostile, we would have been in trouble. Strike paragraph three for anything of substance.

    Paragraph 4, once again using the ambiguous reference "he," althought the reference is inferrentially clear, tells us that Dr. Mitchell is convinced that there is extra terrestrial life in the universe. Fine. That's not the issue the article is purporting to discuss. Whether extra terrestrial life exists has nothing to do with whether aliens have visited this planet. Strike paragraph four for anything of substance.

    Ditto paragraph 5.

    Now, finally, after a sensational first 5 paragraphs that said virtually nothing, we come to a direct quote that seems to support the idea that we have alien visitors.

    I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real.

    This is the issue at question. So, apparently the 77 year old doctor does believe we have had extra terrestrial visitors, as evidenced by his this third party heresay quote to some unverified "Kerrang! radio."

    Now, we need to know the context of that show, and whether the show was speculation, fantasy, fiction, a modern day "War of the Worlds," etc. Just what did he mean?

    Paragraphs 7 and 8 make similar claims. Now we come to a possibly telling paragraph, paragraph 9:

    "Reading the papers recently, it's been happening quite a bit."

    Now, how exactly does one get the idea from reading the papers that there is a vast, multi cultural conspiracy by both the military and the ruling governments to cover up alien visitors? I sure haven't seen any such evidence in the papers I've been reading. Can anyone say "dementia" or "schizophrnia?"

    Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of several UFO visits during his career, but each one had been covered up.

    The remaining paragraphs give Dr. Mitchell's 4 decade old credentials, and also the voice of reason coming from NASA.

    I don't know about you all, but I think my view of this article speaks for itself.

  • hillary_step


    The main part of your post tends to put down Dr Mitchell's views as being due to his age. The reality is that Dr Mitchell is very active mentally and tours the world lecturing on the subject.

    The issue is more serious than age, it involves ideological delusion.

    Being in ones late seventies does not automatically mean than ones brain functions are affected by age, just as having a young brain is not a guarantee of clear thinking.


  • james_woods

    One more point: on the number of pilots (sometimes Air Force, or Airline pilots) who claim to have seen these things:

    I got my pilots license at 18 years of age, have owned an aircraft, and known literally dozens of pilots. Most are pretty normal people, but there is a pretty good percentage who are absolute nutters. I have known several who were so superstitious as to make Hitler's astrologer look like Sigmund Freud, one who believed that he could talk to the spirits of departed pilots who had been killed in flying accidents, and one (one of my instructors, in fact) who put a shotgun in his mouth because his wife left him for another man.

    So, trying to bulk up the sightings because the eyewitness claimant was a pilot, a cop, a fireman, or whatever does not make much mileage with me.

  • misanthropic

    I appreciate all the feedback.
    I do believe it's highly unlikely. The idea that these claims come from an ex astronaut though makes me wonder- do you think he's having memory failure (like lkr said- alzheimers)? I guess I'm sort of hoping to get some viewpoints from those on here that believe and have theories of their own. I know you're out there because I've read some pretty surreal posts on here on this subject before.
    This was actually a write up in todays news. Covered by several different news outlets, based on this radio interview with him:
    Click on the link if you'd like to listen to the interview.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    How old are you Hillary? lol

  • misanthropic

    ::The idea that these claims come from an ex astronaut though makes me wonder- do you think he's having memory failure (like lkr said- alzheimers)?

    The issue is more serious than age, it involves ideological delusion

    So HS doesn't think it's alzheimers, in the radio interview he didn't sound like he was suffering from that but I think his fantastical claims do merit a deeper search.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Maybe I'm cynical, but I see a has been that is desparate for attention. Old age and retirement can be sad things.

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